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You may wonder what the hell does this has to do with black people problem? Everything! For example, the movie the hate u give is based off a book-in which I read and love-if you read the book or even seen the cover page. You would know that Starr was supposed to be a dark skinned girl. In the movie she is light skinned. What's wrong with that? Um...they couldn't find a dark skinned actress? Like everyone else is dark besides the main character? That hurts my feelings because this shit keeps happening. I don't have any issues with light skinned actress/actors but if you trying to make a movie over someone's life or someone's book wouldn't you think they would be accurate? I remember watching this video of dark skinned women reacting to a movie trailer about someone who may have been a singer-I don't Remember who she was-and I'm to lazy to look for it but it was a while ago. My thing is they were crying. Why? Because light skinned people keep playing dark women roles! The singer-or who she was-was a dark skinned women but the actress was light skinned! They changed her skin or some shit to make her appear as dark as the real woman was. Now-Now that was fucked up and it hurts me. As a dark skin women, as a dark skinned women who is tired of being treated unfairly because people believe that black women are "uneducated" "ratchet" "ugly" It's fucking messed up and in the future I hope that someone will speak up. Not only dark women but also light women as well cause y'all know they shouldn't be changing your skin color. I get it-money-but you are black as well-or half-y'all should know where to set the boundaries.  


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