The Scarlet Train of What is Going On

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Carroll hummed to herself as she wandered her way down the hall of the train and peeked in as many windows to compartments as she could, trying find an empty compartment as quickly as she could before they all filled up. 

When she saw a familiar pair of red heads though, her thoughts of finding a compartment flew out of her head.

"Fred! George! frEd! gEOrgE!"

The twins turned at their names, confusion written all over their faces before seeing their old friend. 

"CARE BEAR!!!" They shouted in unison.

Enveloping each other in hugs, all three were brought back to reality as many older students wanted past the group to find their own compartments. 

"Sorry! So sor-"

"HEY get yourselves together!"

"Yeah! Can't you see we're having a reunion?"

"Fred... George... really it's fine we should get out of the way..."


"We're standing here until these people apologize."

"No. We aren't. Come on let's find a compartment."

The boys, however, refused her and stood shoulder to shoulder. Blocking one half of the train from the other.


"Get out of the way!"

Carroll, having enough of their nonsense said the best thing she could think of.

"I'll tell your mother."

Immediately both boys jumped out of the way and began to motion the others past them.

"Come on through mate, no worries all is forgiven."

"Hey Angela, Hey Lee, He- WAIT! ANGELA! LEE!"

Both boys immediately attacked both of their other friends and for the moment forgot Carroll.

"Um", began Lee, "Whose the firstie?"

The twins smiled chester smiles at each other before turning to Carroll jovially.

"This, my dear friends, is our third part."

Carroll stuck her hand out with a smile across her features. "Carroll Danvers. Nice to meet you both."

Lee foolishly shook her hand before a sharp shock went up his arm. He then proceeded to screech in shock. 


"That was a buzzer."


"A muggle contraption their father showed me that is quite fun to use on the unsuspecting prey that just so happened to be you in this situation."

Angela grinned at the first year.

"She's your third part after all."

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