Red is the Color of Blood.

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Angel's POV

The cold rain was like steel knives piercing through my skin. The wind howled while the sky roared mercilessly. My clothes were soaked, clinging to my bare skin. I knew I needed shelter so I wandered around. I spotted a mansion close by and dashed towards it with immense speed.

Once I reached the front door I rang the doorbell, hopeful someone would answer. To my luck, a tall slender man with glasses wearing a butler's outfit greeted me at the door. Behind him stood triplets in butler's attire and a maid. The man narrowed his eyes at me before speaking.

"Such an unappealing sight you are." He spat out.

"I could say the same for you." I retorted.

"Now now, that's no way to treat someone from whom you desperately need help."

I could feel him smirking under his words but he showed no emotion. I let out a long sigh.

"...I apologize for my rash behavior." I said insincerely.

The man motioned for me to enter so I stepped inside. I see the tallest ceiling where shimmering crystal chandeliers hung delicately. The large room was decorated elegantly with many antiques, paintings and expensive furniture. It had intricately designed walls, luxurious silk curtains, and many rooms to explore. I gazed at my surroundings in awe. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. The owner of this mansion was obviously filthy rich.

"What is your name?" The man asked me.


He paused and studied me for a moment, specifically my eyes.

"What an ironic name you have." He commented.

I glanced at him. He was watching every move I made like a hawk. I faked a smile to lighten up the tension floating the air.

"Indeed it is."

"Hannah, take Lady Angel to the guest room and help her out of these wretched clothes." He said before walking away.

The maid nodded in response and I followed her to a room. She laid out three simple night gowns for me on a bed. The three strapless dresses had the same design but differed in color: black, white, and red. They were beautiful silk gowns that flowed down just above the knees.

"You may pick which one you'd like to wear. The bathroom is to your right. If you need any assistance with anything please don't hesitate to ask." She said to me politely.

I hopped in the shower and turned it on. The sensation I felt was overwhelming as I stood still, letting the hot water embrace my body. Calm and serene, where the only sound you hear is the sound of your worries, slowly being washed away. A feeling I haven't had for years.

After I finished I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out the bathroom. I changed into the pure white gown that was laid out on the bed and asked Hannah where I could find a hair brush. She grabbed one from the bathroom and insisted on brushing my hair for me. She was gentle with every stroke, humming a nostalgic tune.

"You're truly beautiful, Lady Angel." She sighed with content.

"You know, you remind me of someone, Ms. Hannah."

"Is that so? And who might that be?"

"My mother," I spoke in a toneless voice.

"She used to hum that same melodic tune all the time. "

"Used to...?" She asked with a hint of interest.

I slightly nodded my head. I already knew what the next question would be.

Crimson Eyes (Black Butler Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora