Music is the Key to One's Soul.

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If you're wondering the song Angel plays in this chapter is on the side. c: Just watch the video. :D


Angel's POV

Time is something you have a lot of when you're a demon. Time spent doing nothing, just thinking about life. That's what I did everyday.

This 'sleeping' and 'dreaming' humans do were things I've never experienced until that one night. The night where I was in Timber's arms. I could still remember the warmth of his touch that embraced me like a blanket and the lulling sound of his heartbeat. I stared at my hand that held his that night. The connection I felt with him was extraordinary.

I stared out the window in deep thought. The sky was almost pitch black hiding behind a layer of dark clouds. Thunder crackled and boomed while lightning lit up the gloomy sight every now and then.

I snapped out of my thoughts and decided to roam around the manor again. I noticed one room was cracked open just enough for me to peek in. An exquisite grand piano stood in the middle of the room. I walked inside and sat down in front of it, grazing my fingers across the piano keys. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath,

"Angel." She uttered ever so softly.


"I want you to play me a song. This will be the last time I get to hear you play so make it good." She chuckled lightly.

and I poured my heart out.

A soft and sweet melody filled the room. My fingers barely touched the keys, gliding across them gracefully. All the emotions I've bottled up ever since that day coursed through my veins at that very moment. Sadness, sorrow, pain, agony, loneliness, and loss. Behind every song there's a story, and in this song, that story is hope. A story that ends with one final sustained note.

"My my, you're still as talented as ever, my Angel." An all too familiar voice whispered into my ear.

I stood up abruptly, scanning the room but finding no one around. I clenched my jaw tightly as my fist made contact with the wall, smashing through it. Blood dripped endlessly from my knuckles onto the snow white floor creating a puddle of dark red.

"Happy Birthday, my Angel." the note read in neat, cursive handwriting.

Loud footsteps echoed in the halls, coming closer each second. I stood there paralyzed, my gaze fixated on the ground.


A pair of soft hands took mine and carressed them gently. I made eye contact with Hannah. Her eyes widened for a moment before quickly breaking eye contact and examining my hand.

"Are you okay? Why did you hurt yourself?"

I ignored her questions and felt a sudden surge of blood flow to my right hand. It stiffened up as the cuts and bruises healed, disappearing into thin air.

"He's here, isn't he."

"Sebastian Michaelis?"

I furrowed my brows at her. I couldn't remember my father's name, or rather I was never told what it was. Alois appeared at the doorway next to Claude with an etched look on his face.

"What are you idiots still doing here? I ordered you to chase after him!" He yelled.

Hannah and the triplets nodded, dashing out the window without a second thought. I stared through the window, watching them hasten after the man known as Sebastian Michaelis. My body urged itself to follow them but I managed to stay put when Alois grabbed my arm tightly.

"You're not leaving me." He said in a raspy voice.

I nodded slightly, not wanting to speak at the moment. There was too much on my mind that I couldn't comprehend.


"Why are you so quiet today, Angel?" Alois questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No reason."

"I don't like it." He growled standing up from his seat to stand in front of me.

He raised his hand up, and already knowing what he considered doing I sat there motionless. I knew he wasn't going to do it. He wouldn't dare a lay a finger on me. I looked to my side seeing that Hannah and the triplets returned to the mansion when an unexpected sharp pain stung my left cheek. A smirk spread across my face.

"Master, I apologize but-" Hannah attempted to speak.

"Why won't you look at me?!" Alois interrupted her by yelling.

I stared straight forward. Alois raised his hand once more, but to my surprise someone stopped to him before his hand met my face one more. I glanced up, narrowing my eyes at Timber who held Alois' wrist back.

"What are you doing you imbecile?" Alois glared, attempting to pull his arm away from Timber.

Timber kept a straight face as usual looking steadily at me. I returned the look, trying to figure out what he's thinking but all I managed to do was a gain a headache in the attempt. Timber's grip on Alois' wrist tightened.

"Claude! He's hurting me!" He cried out.

The butler pushed his glasses up with one finger and let out an irritated sigh.

"Let him go." He commanded Timber.

He obeyed and released Alois' arm to stand by my side. I could feel his gaze on me so I stood up and looked the other direction.

"I'm going to my room. Don't bother me." I said, stumbling while walking into the long hallway.

Not even halfway down the hall my body broke down and used the wall to support itself. Everything seemed to shift up and down as a loud thump continued in my head. It got up to the point where I couldn't even stand and collapsed onto the floor, curled up in a ball.

My vision became to blur until a pair of slender arms wrapped around my body and lifted me up. Not being able to open my eyes, I felt something soft touch my cheek lightly. I listened to the person's heartbeat, slow and steady. I snuck my arms around their neck and let out a quiet sigh.

"Thank you." I whispered, feeling my conciousness ebb away.

I fell in love with you the way I fall asleep. Slowly, and then all at once.


I thought this chapter was so cute. ^-^ I tried my best so I'm sorry if you didn't like it. o: Thank you for everyone who's reading. Means a lot. c':

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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