Hetalia 30 Day Clallange!!! >w<

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Weee~ Ive finaly decided to do this, so here we go!! And If you want you can ask me questions, because questions are nice :3


1. Favorite character.

2. Least Favorite Character.

3. Charachter You'd Date.

4. Character You'd Go Shopping With.

5. Character You'd Like As Your Child.

6. Character Who Would Probably Be Your Rival.

7. Character You Have Most In Common With.

8. Character You Look The Most Like.

9. Character You'd Bring Home To Your Parents.

10. Character You'd Never Bring Home To Your Parents.

11. Character You'd Become Bestfriends With.

12. Character With Your Favorite Voice/Seiyuu.

13. Character You'd Go Camping With.

14. Character You Wouldn't Mind Being Roomates With.

15. Character You'd Want To Cook For You.

16. Country You Wish Was A Character.

17. Your OTP.

18. Character You Wouldn't Mind Having As A Parent.

19. Character You'd Like To Karaoke With.

20. Character You Wouldn't Mind As Your Butler/Maid.

21. NOTP

22. Character Who Would Be Your Band Mate And Another OTP

23. Favorite Character Of The Oppisite Gender Of #1

24. Character With Favorite Uniform/Outfit.

25. Another OTP

26. Character You Would't Mind Having As Your Boss.

27. Character You Wouldn't Want To Run Into In A Dark Alley.

28. Character You'd Wnt Personified Into A Dog.

29. Character You'd Want Personified Into A Cat.

30. Character You Want To Cosplay As.

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