Part 8

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 After a few more minutes Naru looks around as he senses a high chakra level on par with Kakashi's.

"So he is already here." Naru thinks drawing a kunai from her pouch; when  Kakashi and Sasuke notices this they were all on high alert as they know of Naru's abilities as a sensory ninja. Naru hides her kunai against her leg and after a few more feet Naru chucks the kunai at a rustle in a cluster of bushes. Kakashi reaches for his head band as Naru goes towards where he threw the kunai and her hand on the scythe she has across her back in conjuncture with her Gunbai. "False alarm it's just a rabbit  The rest of the group keep their guard up as Naru's sensory abilities are rarely wrong. Kakashi walks over and holds the rabbit as Just then the coat of the rabbit catches his eye. "This rabbit's coat is white which means that it was raised indoors away from the light, which means its only purpose was to be a substitution." Just then a giant butcher's knife comes flying in from the tree line to the right of them.

"Get down!" Kakashi shouts to his team and the four of them drop down while Sasuke grabs the client to protect him. The sword impales itself in the tree in front of Naru and sakura.

"Zabuza Momochi the demon of the bloody mist." Naru glares at the man in front of her.

"Ah so a lonely gennin knows my name I'm honored they teach you that in the academy  Zabuza says bowing. "I see that my illustrious reputation precedes me." (Yes I got that from Dragon Ball Z: Fusion reborn, which I don't own either.)

no it was personal teaching for me as Well when you slaughter your entire graduating class and then try to assassinate the... I believe it was the 4th Mizukage that tends to get your name in the bingo book of every Ninja village across the world." Naru said with a pause recalling the Mizukage aspect pertaining to Zabuza.

"If he is our opponent then I will need to use my sharingan." Kakashi thinks lifting his headband

"Kakashi of the sharingan eye am I right?" Zabuza asks.

"Now quick Magi formation, protect the bridge-builder and stay out of this fight." Kakashi says. Kakashi then finishes lifting his headband exposing a fully matured sharingan.

"Hold on a minute everyone keeps saying sharingan, sharingan, what is the sharingan?" Tazuna asks

"Sharingan, a rare power it resides in the eyes, the user of this visual jutsu can instantly see and comprehend any Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu and reflect the attack back on the attacker. The sharingan is a special rare form of Dojutsu; however there is a lot more to the sharingan, a lot more." Sasuke says

"You got it right boy, but you only scratched the surface. The sharingan can analyze an opponent's attack and copy it to the smallest detail." Zabuza says. Then mist roles in. "As for you Jounin in the assassination unit of the hidden mist we has a special order to destroy you on sight. Your profile was in our bingo book. It called you 'the man who copied over a thousand jutsu Kakashi, The Copy Ninja." Zabuza's eyes narrow.

"So he knows about the sharingan but what about the rinnegan." Naru thinks as she sizes Zabuza up.

"Enough talking I have to exterminate the old man, now." Then team seven enters a protective formation. "So I have to eliminate you first eh, Kakashi? So be it." Zabuza grabs his blade and rips it from the tree and leaps on to the water.

He is over there." Naru says pointing out there opponent.

"So she knows the water walking exercise too."

"She is building up a huge amount of chakra." Kakashi notes

"Ninja art: Hidden mist jutsu." Zabuza says then he vanishes.

Naru Uzumakiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें