Luke Coming Home (for Kristina) ~Smut~

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Your phones alarm went off reminding you Luke was coming home today. You didn't need a phone to wake you up or remind you of today. You haven't been able to sleep properly for over a week. Your positive you didn't need someone telling you what today was. Your life was going to be complete again.


You sat on a stool in the kitchen laughing with your mom as she was cleaning up from lunch. You quickly reached your phone across the centre island which had just received a text message. You smiled seeing it was from Luke but once you opened it, instantly all of you happiness disappeared.

From: Lukey <3

~ I'm sorry babe, my flight's been delayed until tomorrow morning. Engine problems. I'm so sorry. Love and miss you. ~

You looked at the phone and wanted to cry. You waited over eight months to see him and now you have to wait another day. You texted him back saying it wasn't his fault, making sure not to show how hurt you were. It honestly wasn't his fault and you didn't want to make him feel bad about it. Your mom looked over your shoulder.

"It's just one more day." She said trying to soothe you. Instead you lost it.

"It's always just one more day. Do you know what it's like? No, you have dad beside you every day. You get to hug and kiss him, fall asleep next to him. Tell me when do I get that with Luke? Now, when I finally get to see him and plans change, you expect me to be completely okay?" You snapped. She pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back gently.

"No, I don't understand nor do I expect you to be completely fine. I couldn't imagine being away from your father like you and Luke. " You hadn't realized you were crying until you felt your moms shirt becoming damp. "You are so strong, Kristina. Just remember it's just a few more hours." She pushed you back and scanned your face. "Looks like you'll need the extra time. What time did you get up this morning?"


"Dear lord, that explains all of the bags under your eyes. Maybe its the mascara running. How about you go get washed and then take a nap?"

"I'm not four. Besides its the mascara.

"I never said that. But, you really should get some sleep. I heard you up all night tapping away at that damn phone and laptop. "

"Oops." You shrugged. You both had a small laugh.

"I'll be back I just have to run some errands. I'm going to be gone for a few hours. Are you going to be okay?" You told her yes and waved goodbye before going upstairs to get a shower.

You looked in your bathroom mirror and frowned. She was right. You did look a mess, mascara had ran down your face leaving awful streaks and spots. Nothing a hot shower couldn't fix.


You got out of the shower and towel dried your hair. Wet brunette strands fell down your back and slowly began soaking the back of Luke's shirt you had just put on. It didn't smell like him anymore. Granted you had worn it at least twenty times since he had left, just to feel a little closer to him.

You phone made an obnoxious noise, alerting you it was going dead. You plugged it into your laptop to charge and then tapped into your SD card. You pulled up all of the pictures you two had taken together. You clicked through them, memories replaying in your head. You stopped on a picture that Luke had taken. It was the night before Luke had wen on tour with the rest of the lads. Its was your last kiss in the airport before he had to board. You both looked so happy. Like nothing else in the world mattered except you two. That's how it was when you were with him. You smiled at the memory.

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