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▍JIMIN and Hoseok walk down the hallway towards the business office where their friend group eats for lunch, hands holding pizza and fries from the pizza place across the street from the school

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JIMIN and Hoseok walk down the hallway towards the business office where their friend group eats for lunch, hands holding pizza and fries from the pizza place across the street from the school.

their friend group is sitting, talking about their classes and random things, laughing and joking around as Jimin finds his spot beside Yoongi, tossing his bag beside him.

"My mom actually hates me," Yoongi laughs dryly, continuing his conversation that had been going on before they came. He pouts at the sound of that, holding up a fry to Yoongi's mouth.

"Eat," he chirps and yoongi takes it, giving him a quick smile.

"I'm sure she doesn't," Namjoon says, binder open on his lap, doing his last minute homework, Taehyung leaning his head on his shoulder

"She told me that once I get into university I'm out of the house, she won't let me stay even if school is like a bus drive away."

"But staying at home is a better choice, you won't go deep as fuck into debt with all those expenses," Seokjin chimes in, noises of agreement coming from all of them. Jimin just picks at his fries, picking off the peppers and mushrooms from the pizza and shoving it into his mouth.

"That's what I told her but she said she wouldn't be the one going into debt, I would," Yoongi rolls his eyes, and though he tries to laugh it off, Jimin can see he's hurt. "Like I said she hates me." His gaze drops at that, a fake smile on his lips.

"You know what, you can live with me," Jeongguk laughs.

"In your moms basement? No thanks," Yoongi scrunches his nose in distaste and Jimin giggles at that.

Their conversations drift into random things, some about school and joking around, moving to Bora Bora all together joking because anything was better than here. They talked about the schools they want to go to after high school, he high fived Jeongguk for wanting to go to the university close to home.

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