random stories

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So i used to release my emotions in writing an such so sum all this up some of these are mad an happy stories some with fake stuff some with real stuff btw (fred an dillilia is fake i could never hurt a animal i was just dared to write a horror story about rainbows an bunnies by doez awful people mommy an to horrify them i wrote that 😂 . It worked they didnt ask me to write anything else 😋.

Tales of Fred an Dillilia

The tales of Fred and Dillilia  Once soon a time there was puppy named Fred he was a tiny husky no bigger than your hand. when he barks it sounds like a squeak one day he was frolicking around in a dandelion field when he sees a white fluffy object jumping up and down we trots over to it and barks at it the bunny jumps back about 3 feet and stares with and blank face at Fred. Such a tiny thing he is the bunny thought oh I forgot this isn't just any old bugs bunny this bunny is a canible so it eats meat. Back to the story. The bunny hopped over to Fred and leaped at him like a tiger but as swift and as tiny as Fred was he easy dodged the bunny. Claws ready Fred was ready this time for him. The bunny leaped at him again this time Fred sliced at the bunnies neck leave a big gaps of bloody lines and you could see his vanes popping out of his skin the bunny retaliated with a big leap witch sent him flying over Fred and Fred stumbling trying to keep up but bye that time the bunny was already on top of Fred and with one swift motion of his head sunk his big teeth into the dogs neck and tore some flesh off. With a loud soft whimpering sound the dog fell limp and died (peacefully) well sorta. Later on it began to rain and it washed all the dried up and wet blood and excerment off the dog and left him shiny and clean and nice fur coat. The bunny (dililia) hopped off with all the dogs blood on him stubbornly not cleaning him self. An ear piercing   SCREECH!!!!! Came from a above it was and eagle it swooped down and attacked the bunny and killed it by piercing throat with its extreme sharp claws witch caused blood to slowly fill into the bunny a lungs. Then Eagle jabs one of his claws into the bunny a skull no not enough to kill him just enough to leave a whole to his brain so Oxogen gets in and slow brain ooze leaks out while his brain is shriveling up like a grape and excruciatingly painfully way die. as the bunny lays there twitch because of the sezure that was caused he slowly begins to loose conctiousness and die. Later that after noon the rain stops and leave a beautiful rainbow one end connects to the dead dog the other to the decomposing corps of the bunny. SWEAT DREAMS :)  Written by Austin Brown

Yin an Yang

(Horror i dont recall why i wrote it i think i was getting bullied in class , i dont recall any of the story being true an im to lazy to read threw it an mommys going to bed soon so yea i aint taking chances 😋)

Yen and yang names so similar but so different. the difference between good and evil or so they. There once live a boy in a small town, a quiet boy did no harm to no one always good grades always respectful because that's how ma raised him but there's always these boys that pick on him because of something he's no control over the laugh make jokes throw at him he tells his mom repeatedly sometimes with tears in his eyes she replies go to a consoler or I could call the school and try to separate them from you the boy replies no ma that want help anymore they do it while no one watching if you do that yall make it worse, I just want to beat them up. Where that did that come from the mom replies you know if you get hit hard enough something serious could happen. I know the boys replies but if I do maybe they'll be scared of me and stop. you know how good I can fight. Yes I do that's what I'm afraid of. Don't you remember what happen last time you faught you ALMOST kill a boy by throwing him over a guardrail off the 3rd level of your school he almost broke his neck. But ma I threw him towards the stairs I could have just drop him over it then he would be dead I didn't  want to kill him I just want him to stop tripping me on the bus. So you THROW HIM OVER A GUARDRAIL could you have just talk to him? I tried ma but every time I did he's friends were around and they laugh at me and made jokes and then others joined in. I know it might not help but voilence isn't an option. We need you to graduate and make a name for yourself can't you handle it only 2 more years its almost over. I guess thanks mom for helping me no but you listen to me the boy replies your welcome Hun the mom replies the boy went to his room to sleep he was tired next couple days he minded his own business until one day he just couldn't take it anymore some dip shit threw a milk carton at his new business clothes he had on because he had a job interview right after school it busted with a loud SMACK and milk went everywhere SILENCE stuck all over the lunch room as the boy stood up and grab the scrawny boy by the collar that threw the milk carton at him and slung hi in the floor and said get up you punk little shit your think your so tough hitting people from behind lets how good you are now GET UP NOW!!!! the scrawny boy got up and motion over to 2 other boys to stay back and said I've got this blind bitch he could hit a wall in front of him anyways the milk socken boy look at the other boys name plate on vest it read Charley. So Charley where ya from the chocolate factory well. Charley look at the milk socken boy his plate read Austin. Hey look it Austin powers charley said laughing oh I'm so scared. Charley swing fierce left hook witch Austin blocked easily Charley obviously hasn't had any train his strikes are randomly placed he thought this should be easy like that Austin spring of the ground and leaped at Charley taking him down grabbing him by his hair and repeatedly smashing his head into a stool that some kid MR kid was sitting chuckling he's said I hope he peed on that stool before they moved him after another satisfying THUMP of his skull slamming against the plasticky seat. Then he held his head on the seat and jumped on the table and forcibly driving his foot into the bridge of the child's noise after that he lifted him up and said you had enough gragually the Charley says I wasn't ready punk angry that the boy bloody boy won't quit Austin ran off a table and slammed his elbow against the jaw of Charles with a satisfying CRUNCH sound as a string of blood squirts out of his mouth then he grab him by his hair and leads him to a drinking machine lifting him up above his head and forcibly through him into it shattering the glass and cutting the boy all of his face and body blood trickles down the broken glass as the half awake charleys lays stuck inside a drink machine Austin grab a fire extinguisher and walks up to him and say umpa lumpa umpata de I've got another question for you what do you get when you combine a idiot with a sick twist good boy can't even speak Charley cough up a giant glob of blood that make a awfully gross SPLAT sound as blood spill all over the floor. Austin replies with WRONG answer and smashes the fire extinguisher repeatedly against his head until he claspes over and falls in his own pool of blood and then for a good measure spray him with and say stay frosty. And just walks away everyone dead silent no one spoke to him at all after that that whole day the next day his ma get a call from school saying her son assaulted another student viciously and there was a lot of blood and there going to have to suspend him until further notice the mom starts crying and say are you sure it was mine the principle say yes mam because he drop by the office and left a fire extinguisher dropping with blood on our table with a note that said stay frosty with a smile. At school the next day the boy was I class and about 4 police officers came in and ask for him swift as he was he jumped out a window near by and was running no money no supplies only clothes he ran in the wood one cop finally caught to him he wasn't much trouble though dum thing forgot to put safety on his taser looked like a falling dophin after I was finished with so now I have a gun and an taser what to do with these there was an near by drug store that sold snacks as such so he walked in the manager saw him enter he noticed he was about 15 years old couldn't be older should he be in school he thought. Austin grab a hand basket and put a couple monsters and some chips in the basket and walked up to the register and while the lady was scanning Austin withdrew his gun and aimed directly above the lady's head just enough to buzz cut line where he shot in her hair so suprised the lady just back away Austin yelled everyone on the ground no one moves or the get killed the manager sneakily tries to dis arm Austin but with his swift instincts pistol whips him unconscious. Anyone else wanna try no all I want lady is re money that's all I don't want any trouble if you touch that button below the desk I will put a bullet in your head before you can blink the cashier quickly puts the money in a bag and gives it to him thanks by the way stay frosty as he shots her in the throat blood squirts out like a grass water with lines going every witch way it look actually sorta cool to him ten he turns around and see a little boy in a corner crying for his mommy and then Austin notices the lady he just kill was her. Oh little boy it will be all ok soon JUST GO TO SLEEP as he shoves the barrel inside the child mouth and fires blood and brain goes all over the wall as a loud whimpering noise echoed off the wall witch must have been the boys before the gun went off. After that he got a mop and socked it with the puddle of blood and wrote on the refigerators holding milk and stuff stay frosty with a smile face. After that he grab some clothes to change into so he doesn't look like a zombie. later on that night he stole a tent to sleep in because he knew he couldn't stay anywhere no one would let him he's probably all over the news right now he thought as he slowly drifted asleep END OF PART 1

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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