Chapter 6 Bliss of ecstacy

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Chapter 6 - Bliss of ecstacy

"Hey Dani, what's got you down" Carter asked nudging my arm in a friendly attempt to cheer me up and get what is bugging me, off my chest.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I give a weak smile to him as I played with the yellow macaroni and cheese that was drenched in oil, with my white plastic fork. I couldn't be bothered eating today. What was it that gave me away to Jake. He doesn't take notice of me and for all I know, he hadn't caught sight of me at all today.

"Tell me now or I'll doing something that we both know you don't like" He gave off a sly smile before standing up. "Do you know what I'm going to do" Carter questioned confidently, his eyes dancing in delight as his back was as straight as a stick.

"No. Enlighten me, please" I grumbled sarcastically, dumping my fork in my lunch, resting my head on top of my hands and closing my eyes as I waited for the rhetorical question to me answered.

I heard a throat clear before the answer was said. "I'm going to walk up to Jakes group and tell one of Jakes friends that you like one of them" My eyes flew open the second he finished his sentence.

"To hell you will" I yelled over all the chattering and laughing in the cafeteria, my anger boiling to the extreme. "Over my dead body Cater" The room was now dead silence and all attention was on me but I didn't care. The only thing that I cared about at that moment was Cater. "Laugh all you want but I am not going to let you threaten me with something as stupid as that" My voice turning raspy at the end.

Carter shrugged his shoulders before turning to the questioning stares. "You can all turn away now. She's just having a tuff time on her period. It's ok though. Have no far, cause amazing Cater is here."

I shot him a deathly glare. "Why you little mo-" I was stopped in mid sentence by Carters big rotten egg smelling hands covering my moving mouth. You better move your hand.

"That's sick! I know I'm hot and all but can't you at least contain yourself. You didn't have to lick me" Carter complained rubbing his now wet hand, up and down his thigh.

"Serves you right! I am not going to have you interrupt me while I'm talking. Do you want to know what it's called, rude. It's rude Carter. Lean to show respect to girls, especially when-" He rolled his eyes and threw me over his shoulder before running out of the lunch room and into an empty classroom.

"Do you ever listen to me?" I asked shaking my head. "I just said to treat a girl with respect and what do you do, you-"

"Shut the fuck up Danielle. I don't give a shit!" Cater screamed, his face turning a dark crimson red.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets and my lower lip quivered as I looked at him embarrassingly. "Sorry Cart" I whispered looking down.

"Doesn't matter!" I felt his fingertips under my chin, lifting it up causing me to meet his eyes with mine. "What has got you down?" He looked at me earnestly, letting go of my chin. Rubbing my right arm up and down, I blew out air from my mouth before answering.

"It's for me to know and you not to know" I poked my tongue out at him. He was in the middle of rolling his eyes when I got out of his grip on my arm and ran to the faded brown oak door.

"Oh no you don't" Carter yelled running in front of me, spinning my body around so I was facing the wall instead of the door beaconing for freedom.

"Are you kidding me! Let me out of this room. I'm not joking Carter" My hands balled into fists as my face was boiling red with anger.

"Not going to happen" I heard the smirk in his voice as he appeared in front of me in thin air. His hands firmly on my shoulders, he put pressure on them and started pushing me back until my back hit something cold, ruff and solid. One of the four walls.

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