Company? {Laurmani}

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Lauren's POV

Mani and I moved in together after dating for 2 years, which was during our sophomore year of college. I am a year older than her, and in my senior year of college now. Even though after I graduate, I just have to go back to school.

I was in the kitchen making lunch for Normani and her friend, I forgot her name, not that I necessarily care. They are working on a project for their dance class. We have absolutely no food here, apparently.

"Aye, yo, Mani, Come here a minute" I'll just run to the store real quick because they're going to be a while. "Mani!!" I yell, a little louder knowing that she was in the furthest room so she probably wouldn't be able to hear me.

I was getting my shit together to leave when she finally walked in the kitchen "Bro, what you getting loud for?" I stopped my movements

"Now I don't know who the hell you're talking to," I said, turning around and pinning her to the wall with her hands above her head, "but it sure as hell ain't me, babygirl." I finished, with my eyebrow raised.

"I'm just tryna figure out why you yelling like that" she says. I can tell she got caught off guard, but that's okay, because so did I by her attitude.

I take a deep breath before responding with my voice low, "Alright, 1. I know that you know good and well that ain't how to address me is it?" I ask with an eyebrow still raised. She shakes her head and goes to talk, "I didn't say you could speak yet," I breathe out in a low growl, "2. I was yelling like that because (1) you were all the way on the other side of the house and (2) I can do whatever I want, can't I?" She nods. " and 3. I don't know where this boldness came from but I've got half a mind to make you kneel here until I get back from the store just to show our company how obedient you can be, little girl, so I'd watch it if I were you." She gulps. "I'm going to the store for food because we ain't got any, now you can speak. But you best mind your manners."

She takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry, Papi" and looks down

I shake my head lightly, and lift her chin with my finger "Look at me when we're talking, okay, babygirl?" She nods. "I'll be back, go get back to work, and listen out for when I get back, you know how to greet me don't you?"

"Yes ma'am, but with Camila here?" she asks, unsure.

"It doesn't matter who is here, baby. That's how it always goes" I kiss her on the forehead and grab my stuff. When I reach the door, I call out one last goodbye and walk out.

Normani's POV

Oh fucking shit, how am I going to explain this to Camila? Ugh, I walk down the hallway, wringing my hands and shaking my head. Why did I talk to her like that? I mean, fuck, a simple 'Hey, what you need?' would have been okay, but 'why you being loud?' seriously? I just had to go in there and ask questions about her behavior. What was I thinking? Ughhhhh.

"Hey, you okay? You seem deep in thought over there?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm good. Laur went to the store real quick because we don't have any food. Look," I take a deep breath, "we kinda close, so I'll answer your questions once she gets back, but there's a side to our relationship that not many people know about, and I have a feeling you're about to witness it, so just... don't like, interrupt it, okay? Ill answer your questions after, just not during, if that makes sense. I love that girl with my entire being, okay? And its completely consensual, just don't say nothing, okay? I'm not completely sure what she'll do or say, but I'm gonna need you to remain quiet during, okay?" I say, super quickly

"Woah, Mani. Yea sure, but wait, what are you talking about?" Camila replies, confused.

I run my hands over my face, oh lord. "Mila, listen, just ask questions later please?"

"No problem babes, you good?" She asks

"Yea, I'm good, just don't think of me any differently after this?" I say, look at her, then the door. It's been about thirty minutes and Lauren should be home soon.

"Of course, Mani" she says, though I can tell she's still highly confused.

I'm leaving the store, babygirl. I'll be home in 5 minutes. Love you. ~Papi

I look down at my phone, then back at Mila. Oh my, deep breaths. I don't even know why I'm panicking.

"Okay, Mila, you can stay in here or you can come out here. But questions after, okay?" She nods. Here we go, I just hope she doesn't look at me differently after she sees this side of my relationship.

I get my pillow, and kneel by the door. With my ankles crossed, and my palms up. Just a greeting. Eyes cast down until she touches my face.

I can feel Mila's eyes on me for what feels like forever before Laur decides to finally make her appearance.

"Good girl," she says, don't respond and don't move she hasn't touched you yet Manz, she sets the bags on the table and takes her coat off before she stands in front of me and gently places her hand on the side of my cheek. I look up. I feel so much joy at the look of astonishment in her eyes right now. I lean into her hand a bit, "Hi, mi amor"

"Hi, Papi" I say her name a bit quieter than she would have liked, evidently, because the look in her eyes becomes a bit harder as she responds with a simple 'who?', leaving no room for questions on what she meant. "Hi, Papi" I say, a bit louder this time, and the look returns. But so does Camila's eyes and that is something I cannot shake.

"Stand up, babygirl" she says, and I do so, never leaving her hold. She pulls me flush against her when I'm all the way on my feet leaving short kisses on my lips. She leans down to my ear, "Camila's going to have questions, I would have saved you that, but because of that attitude," she clicks her tongue, "I'm proud of you sweetheart, If you wanna call it a night after her questions I understand. I can see that want to let go tonight in your eyes, just let me know. Go on now."

I kiss her one more time. She lightly smacks my butt, either for fun, or because she wasn't the one to initiate the kiss. "I love you Papi"

"and I love you, baby" and I turn to look at Camila.

And oh boy does she have questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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