Bertrum Piedmont Theory

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So,my best theory about Bertrum is that he was the original creator of Bendyland(Colossal Wonders), but did he have anger and hatred for Joey Drew(owner of Joey Drew studio) or has Joey Drew took all the work that the workers did? So,for the first question,he did have anger and hatred for Joey Drew because Joey took all of Bertrum's work (Colossal Wonders) and claimed it as his own. And boy was Bertrum mad. For the second question that I asked myself,IDK,but Joey Drew is the creator of Bendy,Boris, and Alice Angel,but he did have Wally,Thomas, and Susie Campebell(gonna be explained in the other chapter and replaced by Alison Pendle) to voice act as Bendy,Boris, and Alice Angel. But could  Joey Drew have betrayed the co-workers,has he tricked Lacie and Bertrum into building Bendyland (Colossal Wonders), or has he lied to the so-called "great Bertrum Piedmont that he will get all the respect that he wanted?

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