{Chapter 2, Stupid Commoners}

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[Here's a new song, it's from The Untold Story Of A Royal Vizier.
Watch it please!]

It had been two days of high tension in the castle, a poster of the hitman was put up around the town with a dead or alive reward, or at least what they had seen if him.
The Prince also known as Roman, well lets say...He was an idiot, a huge idiot and thought that running away from the castle would save his own ass [Despite the fact the Hitman wanted him as far away from the castle as possible]. His thought that if he got away from the castle that the person out for his blood would give up, at least that was his twisted logic.
He had snuck out during the night in a dark brown cloak, it was something that he had well kinda stolen from one of the prisoners belongings not like they would need it anymore.
He left his crown in his room and snuck out, he was being as quiet as can be sneaking down the halls in an attempt to sneak out of that gosh darn castle.

He had been able to sneak out of the front door, guards stand half asleep and dazed. They had to stay awake all night to make sure nothing would go in or out. It was concerning that Roman was able to get past the half asleep guards so easily. But give em a break it was like 3 in the morning.

He had set out on the way to {T/N}, he hummed a toon and took in the sights.
The Town was seemingly a hop and skip away on horse back but walking... That was a whole new story. He hurried along knowing they would catch him if he stayed on the path to long.

He got there just in time, he blended quite easily with the crowed the streets hussling and bussleing so early in the morning. Roman has never really been in this husle and bussle before so he kinda freaked out.
Until everyone stopped, it was quite.
Five people on horse back rode into town. They said something about Roman going missing and such, to be honest Roman didn't care all that much. He knew they would come as soon as he went missing.
A reward was placed for anyone who found him He kinda rolled his eyes and started to walk away from the crowd.
He was honestly done with it for right now, of course he hated to be called anything but a prince but now he had to discise as a damned commoner.
In the princes ignorance he picked up apple from a cart and took a bite out of it, his coddled life of were almost everything got handed to him he was pretty spoiled, sassy and self centered. So he had forgotten he's not a prince here, at least not at the moment.

The man selling the fruit had yelled,

And the Prince dropped the fruit and run, he only took a glance back and saw the what he thought was a over reacting burly man chaseing after him. The man yelled for someone to stop and that he was a thief, Roman turned a sharp corner hiding in-between the two buildings.
The man had run right past him, the market was so full of people that he didn't even notice that he had turned a corner.

He sighed, he hated this......And what sucked even more was that he was gonna have to stay in this dump for the time being.

The Princes Hitman {SanderSidesXMaleReader}Where stories live. Discover now