1; Did you just shush me?

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    There is not enough time in this universe for me to explain to you how much I hate high school.
I don't know when, where, or how the school system went downhill, but I'm beyond pissed I have to be in the aftermath of it. The rusty, molding building housing deadbeat teachers who don't care about their students, and students who couldn't care less about their grades- how did we get here?
    Regardless of my distaste of my school, according to the government, I have to suffer through the only teenage years of my life here. So I walk into the hell itself, preparing for the torment and boredom I tried ever so much to forget this passed summer. Being that I live in Florida and the precious state just loves keeping cold from me, I trudge through the humid fog that engulfs me right up until I enter the heavy doors. There, I'm welcomed with a chill that the A/C brings, something I think we all take for granted.
    I wish I could tell you that as soon as I walked in I was greeted by all of the students like some kind of popular kid, but I can't. You see, I only have one friend, my best friend, Maxine. Much to my demise, though, Max moved to South Carolina last month, leaving me to fend for myself. Don't get me wrong, out of the both of us I am the more outgoing one, but she was always there to help remind me why isolation isn't such a bad thing sometimes. When crowds would get to be too much, me and Max would hang out at her house and watch movies, just us. It was pure bliss.
    Now all we have is unlimited texts and constant FaceTime calls. Could be worse, but she could be here with me.
    A bump to my shoulder pulled me out of my nostalgic flashbacks and caused my backpack to fly off my other shoulder. I looked around for the culprit and saw a boy I didn't recognize, probably new, running towards a group of his friends, hollering his hellos and giving bro hugs to the fellow pigs. I let out a scowl. Figures that on my first day, no, first minute back, I already have to deal with this. Perfection.

    Although boring, the day flew by quite quickly. Which I appreciated immensely. As soon as the last bell rang I gathered my things from my desk and ran out of the history class. I made my way towards the school exit and strolled to the local park. The park was empty besides two parents watching their three kids play on the swings. I smiled to myself, I didn't have any siblings but I think it would be nice to have at least one.
    I looked around at my surroundings making sure the coast was clear before I slipped in between an opening in the bushes. I pushed my way through the prickling twigs when I reached the exit. There, I saw the tiny patch of grass and scattered flowers growing alongside the bushes. I sat down in the middle of the clearing and opened my backpack. The first thing I grabbed was my phone, following my headphones and book. This is my secret place, I've only brought one person here, Max, and she couldn't come anymore because of her allergies. It's okay though, I like the idea of having my own place.
    Ten minutes into my reading and I'm interrupted just when my book is getting good. It first started when I heard some rustling over my music. I slowly took one earbud out and started listening intently. A couple seconds later the rustling begins again and my blood runs cold. I mean, it could be one of those kids from earlier, but no one knows about this place. As far as the public eye sees, there's no opening here. There should be just.. bush.
     Again the rustling continues until finally a body flings from the green clusters and falls on top of me. I'm shocked for a moment as the body squirms on top of me but then my senses kick in and I started screaming. Soon my screaming is cut short when a hand flies onto my mouth, preventing the outburst of fear. I open my eyes and see a somewhat sweaty boy look at me in anger. "Shut up will you? They're gonna hear you and find me." He says roughly. I nod quickly, too frightened to question the teenage stranger on top of me. Wait.. on top of- I realize he's still on top of me and it seems he's a bit too occupied with his hiding situation to get off of me. I hastily tap my finger on his hand holding my mouth close. He shoots his head back at me from looking around, his face reading stressed and confused. I slightly push his hand a bit off my mouth just enough for me to whisper, "could you get off of me?" He looks down and realizes our position with an 'o' forming on his lips and lifts his body up just enough so I can squirm out from under him.
    I grab my backpack and my belongings to leave when I feel a hand on my wrist. "Are you crazy? They might still be out there. You can't leave yet." He says looking at me like I belong in an asylum for not knowing what's going on. I scoff, "I don't know who "they" are buddy, but you have got the wrong idea if you think I'm going to stay here with you, in my spot by the way, and you know.. who even leaps onto someone and covers their mouths? I cant even-" he cuts me off with a loud shush, his face turned away from me, and I'm shocked. "Did you just.. shush me?" I ask, clearly appalled. When he doesn't respond, clearly invested in investigating the outside world, I continue, "Listen here, pal, I don't know who you think you are but you do not shush me." I pull my wrist out of his grasp, "and do not touch me".
    You'd think this would get him to clean up his act and just leave, but no. My little outburst is rewarded with a chuckle and then a full blown fit of laughter from the nuisance himself. I assume the coast is clear from the volume of his laugh fest over there. Finally when he's done, he wipes tears from his eyes and looks at me intently, "that was cute, pipsqueak, but if you'll excuse me I have to go", and then leaves without a simple explanation.

Author's note:
Hello! First chapter done. Isn't that exciting? I hope you like it :)
P.S., please harass me about updating and posting chapters!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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