Chapter 1

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Life is short, So live it to the fullest. You never know when the day will be your last. the beating heart of a human is fragile. So when it breaks, it is unfixable. Sure one could fill the crack, but the wound will forever remain. 

The wound could be physical, mental or even emotional. You could loose a loved one. A break up. A fight could have been the cause. 

either way, it will still be there, in the back of your mind. 

To loose your soul mate is heart breaking. for them to just disappear, to know that they are out there, but not be able to find them. And for the only reason to be unable to find your mate being the law, it's harder.

Loosing a team, the only ones that you feel that you can trust, those who you have been with for years only to loose them all in a single second leaving you alone. 

Loosing a child is hard. Sure you could just have another, but that will never replace the one that you lost. 

Both Marie and Bella, mother and daughter, have felt these losses. 

Bella, a prisoner to the man who fathered her two daughters, turned servant of a dark lord, and Marie, alone in a war over seas far away from her daughter unable to help her. 

But now, years after Bella's birth, Marie has returned home and has been reuntied with her daughter. 

They were currently in Quantico Virginia, at Bella's home that was just out side of town.

Marie was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her self staring at the table in front of her

She had a comatose look about her. the depression came off of her in waves. 

Bella was just across the room, She had just gotten off work, and had brought home take out for dinner. She looked over at her mother with a saddened sigh. Hearing a knock on the door Bella looked over. Setting the box of food, that she had been taking out of the bag, down, She walked over to the door and opened it up. 

She was surprised to see Albus Dumbledore standing there. 

"Hello miss Riddle" Albus says with a nod of greeting. 

"Professor?" Bella says surprised. "wh-what are you doing here?" she asked. 

"I am afraid that I need your help" Albus says with a grave sigh. 

"My help? I turned my back n the wizarding world professor" Bella says shaking her head. 

"I am well aware. But, I had hoped that you would reconsider." Albus explained calmly as he looked at her. 

Bella glanced around before letting him into the house. "What's going on?" She asked as they made their way into the living room an sat down on the couch. 

"Voldemort" Albus replied. 

Bella tensed. "he's gone" She says quickly. 

"you and I both know that is not true miss riddle," Albus replied shortly. 

Bela looked away as fear filled her. Of course she knew that. She out of anyone else would know. "He cant be back" She whispered. 

"ever since Harry potter started school at Hogwarts" Albus started to say. Bella's head snapped up. 

"Harry?" Bella questioned. 

"lily's son, Yes" Albus replied. "He has tried to return at the end of these past two years." he   explained. *

Bella stared at him in shock. "He's alive?" 

Albus nodded. "Yes and is about to start his 3rd year at Hogwarts. But I am afraid Voldemort is going to try something again. We need your help to protect him."

"I...No I saw, I was there! he's dead" Bella looked over at him with wide eyes as the memories of the night flooded back. 

"He lives, Bella. And I am not the only one concerned for his safety." Albus says. 

Bella looks at him confused. "What do you mean?" 

"Sirius Black escaped." 

Bella sat up straight and stared at him with wide eyes. "He what?!" she exclaimed in alarm. Marie looked over from where she was sitting and stared at them in confusion. 

Bella's mind flashed to the night that she witnessed Sirius being arrested. She had been so distraught. She had tried and failed to get the ministry to see reason. They were so adamant that Sirius had been guilty. 

Bella looked back to Albus. "peter! He will go after peter" She says quickly. 

"so you are aware that they switched secrete keepers?" Albus raised an eyebrow. 

"I told them not too" Bella groaned as she slumped back into the couch. "but James wouldn't listen me" She says looking at him. "he swore peter was their friend" she added. 

"But you knew different?" Albus says with a nod. "Why didn't you tell them?" he asked. 

"and what? What was I supposed to do? If they knew..." Bella trailed off. 

Albus nodded. "Yes...if they knew, they would never trust you." 

Bella bowed her head and sighed. "im not marked. but he has done something far worse. If he returns...I wont be able to go against him. I can only hope to prevent his return" she looked up at him. "but how?" She asked. 

"Everything has a loophole" Albus replied. "but for now. will you please help us? Help Harry" he asked. 

Bella takes a shaky breath. She gives a shaky nod. "But how?" She asked. "Im not allowed back in the castle" She added. 

" will find that you are more than welcomed in the castle" Albus replied with a merrily smile as he hands over an envelope. Bella takes it and looked it over. It was a Hogwarts acceptance letter. "Madam pomfery would love to have her god daughter around to help her as well" He looked over at Marie. 

Bella looked over and Marie and then looked at Albus thoughtfully. "hey, can you help me with something?" she asked getting an idea. 

Albus raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. 

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