Chapter 2

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A couple days passed and Bella and Marie found them selves out side of the Hogwarts castle. They walked up to where Dumbledore was at waiting with four men. Bella and Marie stopped frozen as they stared at them. 

Bella's heart skipped a beat as she stared at the group. Marie stumbled forward and all but tackled one of the men who had quickly caught hold of her before she had knocked them down. 

This man, was Hannibal Smith. Beside his was Templeton 'Face' Peck, BA Baracus. and Howling Mad Murdock. 

Bella continued walking over to them with a smile. 

"Am I the only one confused?" Face asked looking around at them. 

"That is never anything new" Bella commented with a smirk. 

Face looked at her and looked her over. "Im not so sure we met." he says 

"Im sure we have" Bella replied. 

"no, I'd never forget a face like yours" Face smirked. 

Bella rolled her eyes. "still a womanizer I see" she says with a scowl and looked at Marie and Hannibal who had finally let go of each other. 

"Face, quit trying to hit on my daughter" Marie says with a scowl. 

"huh?" Face looked at Marie. 

"we never told them" Hannibal reminded her. 

"oh" Marie looked away thoughtfully. "oh yeah, we should probably tell them huh" she added as she looked over to the team. 

"what exactly do you need to tell us. chika?" Murdock asked with a grin. 

"long story short, Im a girl" Marie says with a nod.

"uh yeah, we figured that out?" Face says looking confused. 

"Maybe say it like you are talking to someone with the brain compacity of a 4 year old" Bella says amused.

"Face, this is Tom" Hannibal explained. gesturing to Marie.  

Marie waves a little awkwardly. "Sorry, I...Tom is actually my brothers name. I just used it while I was in the military. It kept the guys away from me" Marie explained. 

Face seemed the most shocked out of the group. Bella had a suspicion that Murdock already knew, because he was grinning away like a mad man. 

BA only snorted as though the knowledge amused him. "yeah, I can see it" He says looking around. "explains a lot too" he added. 

"and this is my daughter" Marie gestured to Bella who only waved. 

"you knew about this?" Face asked looking at Hannibal.

"Yeah," Hannibal nods. 

"Hannibal recruited me before I found out i was pregnant." Marie explained. 

Face looked surprised. 

"there is no way she is that old." BA says now surprised. 

"I stopped aging when I hit 16" Bella replied with a shrug. "Something to with family genetics or something like that" She says. 

Marie rolled her eyes. "this family is always dramatic" she says amused. "It's a shame your sister was only a half blood. It could have saved her" she says with a sigh. "my blood alone was not enough to save her from the humans" she says with a sigh. 

"you talk as though you are not human" Face says confused. 

"long story" Bella says cutting him off. "im surprised you are here. You shouldn't be able to enter the castle grounds" she added. 

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