Chap VIII- Nightmares

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Plz note- not proofread

Late night-

Avni knew that after recollecting his past, neil might again suffer all the nightmares& hence decided to stay with him in his room for the night
She slept on the couch &he slept on the bed& unfortunately​ the unwanted thought came true- no...
Neil was tossing in his bed

Plz dont...plz dont beat me...i promise i will score well this time...

Its very painful...plz dont hit me& give me1 last chance...plz dont get my name off...

I have quit all my interests& also i dont interact/spend time with my classmates

Plz dont lock me in that room again...plz no...dont do this...

Neil woke up with a jolt- his forehead& face filled with sweat beads-his breath was uneasy&-eyes filled with tears& extreme ammount of fear

Avni woke up as well& immediately came to him

A-neil have some water first(she gave him the glass which he finished in 1go)& hugged avni with all his strength-not bothered about his surroundings which sent chills down avni's spine while she kept on rubbing his back to sooth him down

N(nervous tone)-they will come back avni
They will come back& wont spare me this time as well-even your life is under threat cz u saved me from the hospital& my parents

Avni became silent cz the dean had informed her the previous day that the authorities of xyz hospital are going crazy after neil's discharge
Now that avni knew about neil's past,she knew that the people involved in all this are'nt just the hospital authorities- even his parents are involved who are currently underground as there was no update about their whereabouts- they might have given a fake address or might have shifted to some other place

She came out of her trance when neil started coughing- she was already rubbing his back& once his coughing stopped, she sat facing him

A-neil relax
U are neither in the spare room nor the in the hospital &i promise that i wont let anyone send u there again

N(still shivering)-avni u wont treat me the hospital staff& my parents treated me na?
U wont break my trust na?
U are my one& only hope avni-plz dont do this with me...i wont be able to take it this time...I really wont be able to
With that, neil's eyes turn wattery& avni's heart ached upon seeing him so helpless

A-now u should go to sleep
Neil did lay down but as avni was gonna move towards the couch, he held her hand from behind &signalled her not to go
She sat on the bed& he shifted his head from the pillow to her lap
She starts caressing his hair

N-im sorry i broke yr sleep

A-you need not feel sorry neil-i cud happen with anyone who wud be in your place

N-those memories still haunt me the most-they were the worst years of my life

A-im extremely sorry neil
I shouldn't have let you start sharing your past-the fact that recollecting yr past will refresh all your wounds just didnt strike my mind

N-u need not blame yourself avni
I had to open up to someone, someday& i dont think that their cud be anyone else better than u who cud understand me-whome i cud trust

A-neil at that time you were a child after which you became mentally disturbed but now that everything is getting better, dont you want justice for what you face in childhood?

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