Welcome to my life

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Beep beep beep...
Ugh I hate Mondays. The worst day of the week
Wake up lazy head

See, that was my inner thought
"Hey Alexa, you're gonna be late for school" that was my mum.

"I'm up, i'm up" I said jumping  up of my bed and dashing to the bathroom
I'm scrub my brunette hair and my entire body clean. The warm shower helps me clear my thoughts.

I carried my bag down the stairs in haste and... SLIPPED on a bright blue ball
This is the part where Humpty Dumpty (aka me) falls down.

"Ha ha ha" I know that voice any day. It's Justin my little brother
He loves playing pranks on me.

"Mum! Please tell Justin to stop"
I shouted to my mum " or he's gonna end up in the ER" I muttered the last part to my self so no one could hear.

"Hey honey" my dad pecked my mum on the lips.
"Eww get a room you guys" Justin said.

"Mum, dad, Chloe's taking me to school today"

"No worries, have fun darling "

"Bye mum and dad" I said that while closing the front door.

"Hey Alexa!" My best friend Chloe literally screamed. I'm pretty sure the entire neighborhood could hear. Ha! Just kidding.
"Hey Chloe"
" hop in miss. You wouldn't believe what happened this weekend? " Chloe said as she zoomed past the street on our way to school

"What happened Chloe?"
" well Zach's wife is pregnant and they're expecting twins "

"Omg you're gonna be an aunt. That's awesome" as you guessed Zach is Chloe's elder brother.
Chloe and I met through our brothers, Zach and Jason. Jason is my elder brother. He's twenty five. He lives like 5 miles away from my house so we visit him on the weekends.

" I know right " she said as she pulled over into the school's parking lot.

" hey besties" our friend Danny said. We call him Danny since his name is Daniel.
" hey Danny" we said simultaneously as we walked into school(aka 8 hours of disguised prison). I hate school so much. Thank goodness we just have two More weeks to summer.

"Uhm hello! Earth to Alexa" Danny said. I'm always zoning out.
"Sorry guys"
"No worries"
Our lockers are beside each other so we don't have to walk across the hall.
"Omg omg"
"They're so hot"

I heard squealing across the room. The three bad boys in school, Dylan, Ken and Harry. They  ' rule ' the school.

Dylan, their leader, arrogant corky and also a player. Big time player and super rich. Has brown hair and dreamy blue eyes.

Ken, Nobody knows much about him. He doesn't talk much but he's nicer at least. Has dirty blonde hair and gray eyes.

Then Harry, He's funny and flirts openly with girls. Has brown hair and brown eyes.

Okay, so like the girls in our school literally worship the ground they walk on even Chloe that's because she has been crushing on Ken since forever. PS she likes mysterious guys. I'm like the only girl who doesn't give a shit about them.

And there's Mindy Sanders. She likes to think she rules the school but she's not just because Dylan was her ex boyfriend. She exposes her body way too much.
She has two dumb minions Katy and Ella.

"Uhm Alexa, we should probably start going to class" Chloe was right. We have first period together while Danny and I have fourth together.

"Bye Danny, see you during lunch"

"Bye Alexa , bye evil"
Danny and Chloe joke around and prank each other's asses off.

"Bye d-evil" Chloe laughed"get it? Cause its Danny and evil together"

"Stop Chloe.. It wasn't even funny"

"Oh yes it was, you love me anyway"
I rolled my eyes and smiled because it's true.

Time for one hour of complete boredom. Luckily I have Chloe sitting next to me right? No she didn't because She ditched me to sit next to Ken. She really likes that guy.

Speaking of Ken, where's Dylan. Spoke too soon. He was coming next to me. Harry doesn't have the same class as them.

Please move to another sit. Please...

I was chanting that in my head but you see the universe was against me. Yup you guessed right. He sat next to me.

Holy shit! Why did he have to. Ugh.

But secretly inside me I was happy he sat next to me.
This is going be the longest hour yet.

That's a wrap for chapter one.  I hope you liked it.
Please don't forget to comment, vote and tell your friends.

Thanks lovelies

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