Chapter 25

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Back to Anna's POV. yay!


"I'M GUESSING BY your chirpy mood, you and hulk are back together?"

I turn to Finn, watching him catch up to me as we run laps around the field. "Yeah."

"You had sex didn't you?"

"What?" I almost lose my footing from surprise and land face flat on the ground but Finn catches me before that, grinning like an idiot. "No, I did not. Why would you assume that?"

"Because you're glowing and have been smiling all throughout. Good sex does that to people." He says nodding like a teacher.

"You're an asshole and no I didn't have sex." I say rolling my eyes as my legs kick off again.

"So why the smiles?"

I smile at that, my cheeks burning up as I do a one shoulder shrug. "I may or may not have spent my second night with Ian."

"And no sex?" He practically yelled.

I slap his shoulder, a guy slowing his steps to cast us a weird look. "Shut up, moron. And yes, for the last time. No sex. It was just sleeping involved. Yesterday night's own was particularly special." I smile again remembering how I woke up on Ian's arms at Five am and snuck back into my house while he drove away. Its one of the most splendid things I've done in all my life. My neck hurts a bit but it was so worth it.

"I understand that Hulk would be that boring. He's a total nerd, the annoying kind in everything. I have Physics, lab and tech with him and oh God, I want to pull my head out."

I giggle, "you're just annoyed because you're dumb."


"Switch schedule with me, please. I have no classes except gym with him."

"No way. My grades are starting to look better now. We're paired in lab and physics."

"Lucky you."

I turn around and start jogging backwards, my eyes fixed on the bleachers. I see Ian sitting at the very top, his usual spot. He has a headphone on with a textbook spread out on his legs. I don't know if he's waiting for me or just spending more time in school to read, or both. I didn't think it's possible to like someone more. After last night, I feel more and more closer to him. I can't stop thinking about him, everything he has had to go through. Being with him is somehow surreal, the feelings I get, the way I act. The things I want, it almost as if...

I love him.

A yell escape my mouth as I hit my foot on something and fall, landing gracefully on my butt and as if that's not, my head hits the ground painfully and I shut my eyes, seeing stars from under my lids.

"Anna." I hear Finn shout and soon I feel hands on me shaking me violently. Stupid Finn. "Anna, don't leave me!"

"Ow." I groan opening my eyes, Finn's hand helping me up. I reach my hand behind my head and touch the spot I just hit hard, checking for blood. There isn't any, not even a bump. I'm such a drama queen.

Coach's whistle breaks through the air. "Time out. That's all for today. Anna, are you good?"

"We should call an ambulance." Finn suggests, helping me stand up.

I smack him, "no need. I'm fine."

Coach nods and I look ahead to see Ian looking at me. He's already down the bleachers and almost close enough to us. I guess my fall startled him and he came rushing down. That's honestly so sweet.

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