Untitled Part 1

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Chapter 1

Mandy suddenly woke up and realised this is the day that they are moving again. she lies in bed..stretching and just stare at her roof. she stands up and collected her boxes on the left side of her blue and black bed. Sadly she sighed and started taking down the rest of her boxes. she walked outside and breath in the sweet summer air of California. "I dont get it,she thinks" leaving cali for a way small town just outside of rhode island. She stared at the house, who knows what she might be thinking. They get everything sorted out and finally hit the road at 6am that morning. Once on the road she put in her headphones and watched Supernatural. she was a big fan of the show. she was so into watching it that she did not realise the car came to a stop. Wow! She thinks this is a really pretty place, "dad says its only ten more minutes out of town". They finally reach their new home. She got an odd feeling she couldn't explain it but somehow she knew she likes it, trees everywhere with chilling weather She feels a sudden stop of the car. She gets out and the 22 year old shakes her brown hair out of her eyes, she took a long stretch, and walked around the house in the back yard, there was a big beautiful oak tree and further down the yard there was a small lake and at the other end of the lake was a little piece of open land and two or three trees, it looked like the perfect hide out spot.

Mandy, Mandy she heard her parents calling she goes to the front yes? She said? What are you doing? Just looking around daddy it's a nice place she said. Yes it is, come sweetie let's start taking up the boxes. She went back to unload everything and wheb she opened the door she saw the house was so beautiful, very old fashioned house with a staircase to die for. as they headed to the car and truck and started to pack out everything and taking it inside, honey why don't you start taking your stuff up to your room? Mandy heads upstairs, it's her own room with a bathroom and a balcony giving her a perfect view of the lake and the little piece of ground. Okay so let's start she says to herself. She takes out all her animated books like malient the great and sander and molly, and neatly packs them into the brown glass bookshelf. In the other boxes was all her bracelets and bangles she loved collecting them, she starts putting it around the room about 5 at the same time, oh how she loved her collections. she can see her room starting to get together, in the other box was some photos she just puts some of the photos aside for now, she takes the box of photos to her bed and she starts going through them, she stumbles upon a photo of her and her best friend Ashley Martins, Mandy and Ashley was always so close despite her moving Ashley promised that she would come and visit ones they are settled.. she find her bracelet Ashley made for her and puts it on her arm.

She puts the photo next to her on her bed stand and heads downstairs to help pack out he last of the stuff , she can already tell her mother is busy with the food from the sweet and sour smell comming from the kitchen and her father is in his office sorting out his files. He's one of the top lawyers in murder investigations worldwide he's name is John her mother's name is Annie she got a job as a nurse at the local hospital in Rhode island.that night Mandy told her father they need to stop moving because she needs a life and she wants to finish her univeristy, her dad looked at her kind of strange and said well I think it's the last time. Mandy finished her dinner and headed upstairs for the night. She fell down on the bed and decided to call Ashley, so how is it your first day there? Well not to bad Mandy said its quite big here we have a lake and another private island quite small though, but I just wish u were here I miss u she said with a bit of sadness in her voice, I miss u too Ash. But u know what I'll be there soon to visit u. After talking for a while the girls said goodnight and went to sleep. mandy did not manage to get much sleep in that night but,when Mandy woke up it was morning. she lies in bed thinking about the odd feeling she has, its not bad or good but she decides to stand up, she goes downstairs to get a cup of coffee then she went back upstairs and went outside to her balcony, it was so beautiful for her to look out on the water with the sun shining and the birds singing. She heard a knock on the door; it was her mother how did u sleep honey, not that bad and u mom? Not bad as well was very nice and peaceful.

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