The Flexibility Test

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( 6:20 A.M )

Izuku gets out of bed and readies himself for his morning jog. He dresses in his tracksuit and steps out into the morning sun. He jogs a total of 1 and a half miles. He tries to best his previous record every morning, pushing his limits every single day. Midoriya tries his best to make sure his body is capable of handling One For All at 100%. He dreams of this possibility every single day.

'I will become stronger than I am today. I will become the hero I've always dreamed of becoming.' thought Izuku as he stares off to the rising sun. 'What time is it?' *Izuku looks into his digital watch*. 'Oh shoot! I'll be late for class!' thought Midoriya as he coats himself with his quirk and runs marvelously back to the dorms.

( 7:10 A.M )

Midoriya quickly takes a minute to prepare himself for class. He runs out of the room and grabs a small snack he prepared the day before to eat while rushing to school. He passes by his classmates on the way.

"Hey man! What's the rush?" asked Kirishima from behind as he grabs onto Izuku's shoulder.

"It's nothing, I wanna get early to class today. I need it to cool off for a while." relplied Izuku.

"A-alright man. Don't overwork yourself man. Get some rest from time to time." said Kirishima. 'How manly of him to be like this.' Thought Kirishima.

Izuku enters the class and sits on his chair. He then sits down to take rest from his morning jog. He also wants to keep his body healthy no matter what type of training he's been through.

( 8:30 A.M )

Mr. Aizawa walks in the classroom with a slight smile on his face.

"Hey Mr. Aizawa, you pretty happy today?" asked Kirishima.

"You're all going to love this. Everyone is now going for quirk flexibility. A hard field for everyone to finish. You must master your quirks and use them in a flexible way. Each of you will be placed in a team of three, in a location where your quirks will be opposite to that condition." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"But Mr. Aizawa will we get to pick the teams?" Asked Izuku.

"This is the fun part. You all must display a type of team work in those 3 teammates you're with. I will be pairing you with your class mates. As for you Mineta, you're going to be paired with only Koda." said Mr. Aizawa.

'Please don't partner me with Bakugo. He's good with me but I don't want him yelling at us! Oh Mr. Aizawa please.' thought Izuku, terrified of his chances.

"Alright, I have listed down your teams in these sheets of paper. Everyone pass it to each other in a formerly way. You have a week before this event starts. Class dismissed."

Izuku looks down on his paper. And to his surprise, his luck was just ran out. He was paired with Bakugo and Momo Yaoyorozu.

'At least Bakugo might just ignore Momo. I'll take the lead on this. Mr. Aizawa will be telling us the locations tomorrow. If we were put together what kind of terrain or area are we gonna be? Hmm.. It's a bit hard to tell since Bakugo is destructive and Momo is great for support and all, but.. What about my quirk? I can break things, sure. But if that counterparts my ability.. What is it?'
Izuku thought as he didn't notice he was mumbling.

Someone came up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder, startling Izuku.

"Haah!" shouted Izuku. "Oh, I'm sorry for startling you like that Midoriya. It says we're teamed along with Bakugo." explained Momo.

"But, where's Kacchan?" Asked Izuku. "He stormed off like always, along the others. I stayed here to ask you if you have an idea on which area Mr. Aizawa would put us in to have atleast some extra time to be able to see our advantages and disadvantages." said Momo.

"Right." replied Izuku.

Izuku and Momo discussed about what disadvantages their quirks have to be able to know where Mr. Aizawa might be dropping them at. They exit the empty classroom to go and eat some lunch. The two were able to think of atleast an area that may be similar or near to the area. They thought about a place they might not be able to destroy or not be able to get a scratch on. They sat down with the others to later discuss about their teams.

( 2:50 A.M )

They have been dismissed and has left the UA high to enter their dorms. As Izuku opened his door he noticed a small note by under his door. It read:

"Come over to my room, please bring Bakugo with you. We might aswell spend the time identifying the location before Mr. Aizawa says so."
- Momo Yaoyorozu

"Bring Bakugo.. I'll atleast try to get him." He mumbled to himself.

Izuku walks down the hall over to Bakugo's room. He knocks loudly. He heard footsteps coming his way so he backs off a bit. Bakugo opened the door with the normal look on his face.

"What do you want, Deku?!" Asked Bakugo with a fierce tone. Deku simply showed him the note Momo left him. "I'll come over, but for just a few minutes! Got it!?" said Bakugo. Izuku could just simply nod as him and Bakugo knocked on Momo's door.

Both Izuku and Bakugo knocked on the door. Bakugo and Midoriya have somehow gotten the same height as they were now both 6,1. Whilst Momo being the tallest girl with a height of 5,9, with Mina being the second at 5,7. Bakugo and Izuku were almost the height of the door. Momo opened the door and asked them to come inside where both Bakugo and Izuku sat down on her bed. She sat on her desk to explain what she's discovered.

"Thanks for bringing Bakugo here Midoriya." said Momo. "No proble-" Izuku was cut off by Bakugo. "I'm here for only a few minutes. So spill it!" said Bakugo forcefully.

"Alright Bakugo. I've listed down your quirks. Izuku has super speed, punch, strength, kick, and super everything. Bakugo can create explosions from his sweat and can make super AP shots from shaping his blasts into a concentrated point. I have a creation quirk where I could make items that I understand how are made. Mr. Aizawa are probably going to put us somewhere cold. He knows about your super strength and your hand explosions. If you can't sweat that much you're blasts are going to be weaker. Izuku can destroy lots of things but at the same time not be able to destroy many things. We don't have any super sense or anything. It would make it harder for us to see the opponent in the storm. If he does this. We'll have to predict through his entire plan. Right boys?" explained Momo.

"That's pretty smart. If Momo can make an infrared binocular we can see through the snow's cold. Bakugo won't be as much help in this either. So am I. I have to be guided by you guys to hit the targets here and there. Momo has to make coats for us to be able to sustain the cold too. Everyone can be helpful in this. Bakugo needs to help me in the combat or the defense." said Izuku.

"This is now a few minutes. I'm leaving." exclaimed Bakugo.

"A-alright Bakugo. I think you should go too Izuku. We'll talk again soon." said Momo.

And so they left the room to go to their own separate rooms.


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