The adoption

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"Haley get up your getting adopted today." Amber said

I rolled off my bed got in my colsent and picked out my black hills and black jeans and purple shirt. I curl my hair put on make up and pack everything. I get in the van and was staring at the window when we got to the place Bartender came on by Lady Antebellum! I started to sing the was two adults sitting there


"Yes?" I said

She turned around and it was Hillary Scott! I passes out when I woke up I was in a bed room on a bed and I was so pretty! I got up and walked down stairs there was a note

"Haley here's ur iPhone were getting dinner and picking up Elsie" love Hillary

I got my phone and set it up I call me best friend Ashely



"Yes omg guess what!!i"

"What I got adopted by Hillary Scott!"

"What OMG that's awesome!"

"Ya gtg I think there her love you bye❤️"

I got up and started to walk around but then I went up stairs and took a shower then my phone rang!


"Haley is Jessica!" Jessica said


Hillary's p.o.v. I walked up to the door I heard haley talking on speaker

My p.o.v

"Haley house your baby?" Jessica asked

"Bout that ya umm it died...."

"What how!!!"

"Got pushed and fell in the floor so ya I am not sixteen and pregnet and more"

" Are you going to tell Hillary idk maybe not"

After a little I went down stairs for dinner

"Hi haley" said Chris

I smiled

"Haley have anything to tell us?" Hillary asked

I shock my head I know I should if told her I thought. I went upstairs and layed there then fell asleep.

I woke by the baby crying I got up and went into her room and picked her up

"Hush little baby don't say word" I sang

She fell asleep I walked back to the room

Next Moring

"Wake up haley it's school!!!!" Hillary said

I got dressed and walked to the bus stop when I got on the bus all the guys in the back I was saying "sit by me!"

So I sat by this hot kid

"Hi I am mark " he said

"Haley" trying not to blush

"How are you?" Mark asked


We were talking the whole bus ride and at school and on the way home!

"Hi can I walk you home?" Mark asked

"Ya!" I said

We were walking and talking we got to the door I can see Hillary pecking throw the window and then calling everyone over!

"Here my number txt me later" mark said

I took it from his hand

"Bye see you at school!" I smiled

I walked into the door

"What was that bout haley?" Hillary ask

"Nothing" I smiled

I sat down to eat a snack

Ashely calls me

"Haley!!!"she said


"I am going to your school!"


"Ya o2l adopted me!"

"That's awesome"

We were talking for hours bout it then Hillary came up stairs

Knock knock

"Come in"

She sat one the bed

"Haley honey where your parents?"

"Ummmmmm...... They died in car crash" I said

"Honey I am sorry" she gave me a hug

"It's ok mommy" "sorry can I call u that

"Ya hunny can I call you my daughter"hillary said

I shook my head I gave her another hug then we both walked down stairs and found out we're going out to dinner! I thought in my head first out in public with my family aka lady a! so I walked up stairs and then I got dressed the clothes they bought me just like Hillary! So I got dressed and then walked down stairs

"You ready?"chris asked

We nodded our heads. We got in the car and I was sitting by my baby sister and she sad holing my hand😊" it's was so sweet Hillary took pics of me and here toghther

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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