Part 9

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Maui POV

It was another day Lava was on the beach staring at the sunset as I was watching her. She was so beautiful that I was lucky to have her with me.

Lava POV

I was staring at the sunset as my hair flowed in the wind as though was going through my mind about my sister 'I hope she okay' I though to myself and closes my eyes and sigh."Hey Lava!"Maui yells as he looks at her"come here!!"he yells again with a another sigh to stand and made my way over to Maui as I roll my eyes and state at him"couldn't you just get up and walk over to me?"

Maui POV

"Couldn't you just get up and walk over to me?"Lava says and sounded a bit sassy as I stare at her "well I mean it wasn't fare walk but hey at least you made it other safely"I joke with a smile. but then I was hit it with a pile of sand to face as Lava raise a brow"well is your legs broken?"she asks I should my head "is any other part of your leg broken"she asks again I shoke my head "well then next time get up and walk!"she says with her hands on her hips. 'well someone acting sassy as hell today' I though to myself and sigh and wipe the sand off my face and glares at her then I stands up
and look down at her "BEAR HUG!!"I act as Lava screams and runs as I run after her quickly

Lava POV

I didn't even expect Maui to do that but hey who am I kidding he acts like a big baby and a bear which I am running from. Quickly as I ran with a smile on my face "Can't catch me!!"she yells with a small smile

(Hello my peoples sorry it took long for this update I have been doing alot of things but you all been dying for a next one so here it is and I will try to more when I have the chance love you all and have a great night!!)

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