I chosse the ppl !!!

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So first off I'm gonna start by saying thx to all the ppl who commented them down below and that I chose 2 best friends because like i can never chose 😂 and that I changed Nina to a different person and that the person might not look like you but there gonna have your name

This is Nina

Pretend like her hair is all black for now

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Pretend like her hair is all black for now

First best friend :karoline perez

First best friend :karoline perez

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The last best friend is .......................


Isabella Sanchez  

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Isabella Sanchez  

Sry if you did not get in but there will be more  spots and soon I'll chose someone to be blesivs gf soooo yeah New chapter will maybe be up tonight or tomorrow-çhrįštįńą 💞

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