Old Friend

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          How do I always do this?   The little girl wondered as she sat against the tree, eyes drooping with exhaustion.  She knew she shouldn't sleep.  It was one of the many things her father  drilled into her and her brothers head.' Don't sleep while lost . you make easy prey to wild pokemon and you can get sick.'   It should be easy, she had reasoned with herself.  Oh, how wrong she was. She let her eyes close, unable to keep them open any longer.

         When she awoke, she was warmer, as if a blanket was wrapped around her. "Was it a dream?"  She wondered aloud, before looking around and seeing the woods.  Nope, this wasn't a dream.   When she looked down, however, she began to question whether it actually was a dream.  Right next to her slept a black and green dog-like pokemon, with its green neck almost looking like a collar.  It had one green paw, the rest barely visible due to the darkness surrounding it.  She recognized him immediately due to the red crystal-like  hexagon on its neck.

        "Squishy?" she asked, her voice quiet, as not to disturb the sleeping pokemon around them. He lifted his head and looked at her, his white eyes glowing in the darkness. "it is you!" she squealed hugging him happily.  He grunted, but made no objection to the embrace.  He stood up and motioned for the girl to climb on his back. "Are you sure?" she asked, looking at him closely "i think i'm to big..." He shook his head, and crouched down so she could climb on. she did, and held onto the scarf-like  spike while he ran, silently hoping Clemont and her dad weren't  to upset. ' ill be home soon.'    she vowed silently to her family while her friend ran  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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