Chapter 2 ~ Interview

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As Harry had thought the year went by very fast. Between having a cerial killer after him for majority of the year and the dementors making Harry's life hell, Harry had to study and create his product (the dementors kind of proved the theory that Harry couldn't have a normal year at Hogwarts).

He came close to blowing his cover several times throughout the year (literally), the first time he almost lost his cover was when his product blew up on him. Ron (being the good friend he is) had instantly noticed the soot on Harry's face when he came into the common room, "You alright there mate?" Ron had seemed very concerned and it had pained Harry to lie to him, but he didn't want anyone to know. The second time was when he walked in on the twins setting up a prank, he had gone in to grab the price of paper he had recorded the products test results on. The twins told him he didn't see anything (they wiggled their hands at Harry as they said this) and ran off. Harry left quickly as well, not wanting to be caught near the twins trap. There were a few more times throughout the year and Harry could practically feel the concern rolling off his friends in waves when ever he left the common room alone.

The end of the year had been by far the best at Hogwarts, not only did Harry get to travel through time but he also found out he had a god father who loved him (and had to hide thanks to the bloody ministry). What was even better was the fact that he could threaten the Dursleys with this.

Nervously Harry made his way into the living room where the Dursleys where watching the telly. 

"Um, you know my god father?" Dudley turned his beady eyes to Harry, fear flicking through them. Vernon grunted affermative (Harry hoped he did, it was hard to tell these days). "Well he wants me to try out for this thing and it's the day the Weasley's pick me up. So, I was wondering if I could go?...." Petunia didn't look at him, she simply tightened her lips into a thin line of displeasure. Uncle Vernon eyed him wearily, like Harry was a bomb about to explode.

 "You can." He said and Harry sagged in relief, "but!" Harry snapped back up, "We won't be home when you get back, where taking Dudley birthday shopping." Uncle Vernon turned and grinned proudly at Dudley before he stood up and advanced on Harry. Harry nervously took a step back for every step his uncle took forward until his back hit the stair wall. Quickly he placed a hand on the wall to steady himself and could feel the crack between his old cupboard and the stairs with his finger. Harry swallowed nervously, a 14-year-old against a full grown man with no magic? No chance. "You owe us boy." Slowly he nodded, "Yes sir."

Satisfied the big man turned and sat back down.

Harry, breathless from shock, turned (he almost banged into the stairs) and ran up to his room. Once there he sank to the floor. He could breath again but it kept coming out in short gasps of relieved laughter. He hadn't actually thought they'd let him go that easy, another laugh bubbled up in his cheast and he shoved a hand over his mouth to smother it. If they knew he was laughing he wouldn't be allowed to go, which would ruin all of Harry's plans.

Once calm Harry stood and pulled his school chest from its hiding place in his wardrobe. Knowing that he probably wouldn't get time to pack, he scurried around grabbing items he would need (school books, clothes etc.) and items he had (invisibility cloak, mauraders map, photo album etc.) to bring with him to Hogwarts. (If he didn't get in to Ranghild). Over the next few days Harry hardly came out of his room, he was too busy packing and planning. Several times the Dursley heard large explosion sounds coming from the room, and several times Vernon stomped up to Harry's door and stopped, deciding that yelling at Harry wasn't worth getting his moustache blown off. 

"What do you think he's doing?" Petunia asked one night when Harry again failed to come down for dinner (let alone cook it). 

"I don't know Petunia dear, but he better stop soon that's for sure!" Another explosion rocked the house and Dudley hid under the table, (well he tried to). 

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