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Minho pov
I knew jeongin wouldn't leave y/n alone like always I wanna know why he bully's her life ? Honestly wanna beat the shit out of him for hurting her.  Once I see him he gone .
" omg what to her child."
" I don't know man I found her ."
" luckily Minho she has cuts not deep ."
" is she going to be okay ?!?" I said while getting worried each second of my heart beats from her.
" yes Minho she pass out due from crying."
" she been crying?!?"
" looks like it ."
" mr. Jeon why are you a nurse?"
" Minho my job is take care of people."
" oh ok whatever you say."
" Minho you may leave to class Now well call you in to tell her that she awake."
" thank you so much mr. Jeon !" I said with the biggest grin that can make a girl fall in love.
" just call me jungkook I feel old being called mr. Jeon ."

Time skip
Got a call from jungkook saying she awake wanted to talk to me .  I ran as fast i can for i can tell her am sorry i didn't save her before he hit her . What strange I haven't seen jeongin at all this day honestly hoping I don't because he hurt my baby girl.  Not really my baby girl she my boo but doesn't know she my boo .

" your awake finally!"

Oh with that smile and tiny laugh of her and what made me go crazy wild was her shining brown color eyes that made the moonlight shines to my destiny

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Oh with that smile and tiny laugh of her and what made me go crazy wild was her shining brown color eyes that made the moonlight shines to my destiny.

" yeah thank you so much for today Minho."
" your welcome y/n how you feeling?"
" tired and sleepy but can't sleep."
" aye I heard cuddling is the best way of sleep."
" sure let's cuddle am really tired today."
I told jungkook that y/n needs me for she can sleep and to led me some pj .  All I see is a cocky smile saying " come get your girl ."   Y/n tuck me in while she wearing a pink pj and am wearing a blue one me and y/n were cuddling but what me blush was her cuddling with me and hugging me .

"   Y/n tuck me in while she wearing a pink pj and am wearing a blue one me and y/n were cuddling but what me blush was her cuddling with me and hugging me

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