-Chapter Seven: Surprising Encounters-

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Cups POV

I continued walking.. I didn't want to cause bendy any more trouble.. Don't get me wrong.. I care about him.. I might have even fallen for him.. A slight blush rose to my cheeks from the thought of that. Half of me still didn't understand why I wanted to leave.. Because.. I knew he would of been there for me.. Why was I leaving..?- I was risen out of my thoughts when a light pour started raining down. I used my bag as an umbrella until I got to shelter, a few minutes later I make it to a bridge and quickly scrambled under it for hiding.. I don't understand.. Why does bendy care about me so much.. Why did he help me in the first place..? I had so many questions at the moment.. None of them could be answered right now either.. If only Mugs was still here with me..I place my head in my lap... Uncontrollable tears ran down my cheeks.

Wait. That's all I can do now.

Bendy's POV

I sit up and stretch, letting out a small yawn.. I notice it's raining outside.. Eh, it's not that bad. I put the fact at the back of my mind. That reminds me, It's really quiet... Too quiet.. "Cup?" No response. I call again. "Cup..?" I whip around to find nobody, my heart starts to race- did he leave? No.. He wouldn't have done that.. W-would he..? I run to the bathroom to see if he's there- I swing open the door- to nothing.. I run out the doorway to the front door and open it- just a normal day.. Its raining a bit.. But not too bad.. I look down-- My mouth gapes open. "N-no.." Blood droplets stain the cement... "H-he.. he wouldn't of.. No.." For some reason, my mind refused to accept the fact... That he's been.. No... I wanna yell, but no sound comes out.. I close the door and slide down to the ground.. I pause. Turning around, I snatch a paper off the door and read it..


Thank you for helping me.. It means a lot, but... I just need to leave.. I'm just another thing for you to take care of.. Another thing for you to watch over.. You could be living life to the fullest right now, but it's my fault.. I'm just holding you back.. So, thank you again, but I'll be leaving..

Sincerely, Cuphead.

My mouth gapes open. He left. There's no hiding from the fact... "H-he's gone.." Is all I manage to get out.. He's gone now.. And It's because of me..

I need to find him. And now.

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