❤Finally! He's here!❤

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I was walking in the park and I see Chenle's grandpa dancing so I go over to greet him while he's dancing
Y/n:"Hi grandpa! How are you?"

Grandpa:"Oh! Y/n dear I'm fine come and dance with me!"
Chenle's grandpa is the sweetest old man I've ever met in my life! Then Grandpa was staring at something not too far from us. A lady pointed at Chenle's grandpa and went our direction.

???:"Grandpa! I miss you!

I didn't know who was talking but he hugged grandpa and I was surprised to see a bunch of cameras and people over where I was.

There was Chenle and three other people.

Y/n:"Chenle???Is that you!"

Chenle smiled widely as I jumped on him of excitement.


???:" Chenle is that your girlfriend?"

I looked at the voice and it was the woman that pointed at Grandpa earlier. She was Korean and Chenle seemed to be her guide along with the two other people and when Chenle was gone I learned some Korean

Y/n:"actually I'm not his girlfriend I'm his childhood best friend 😄"

Chenle"thats- wait when did you learn Korean?"

Y/n:"when you left for Korea!"

Chenle:"wow that's amazing!"

I heard the elders whisper

Elders:"they looks like a cute couple it's adorable"

I just blushed as they said that

Chenle:"well y/n I need to film so I'll meet you at grandma's house or you can stay and watch 😄"

Y/n:"I'll stay here and watch"

Chenle nodded and was dragged off with another grandma that wanted to dance with Chenle.

Chenle was pretty popular among the elders in Shanghai. I smiled when his arm was forced to twist because of the grandma he was dancing with. I missed the time when me and him played outside in this very park.

Grandma #1:"psst Y/n come here " I walked over and she grabbed my hand and started to dance with me.
I did an eye smile at her and she asked me

Grandma #1:" how do you not have a boyfriend yet? You're so pretty!"

Y/n:"ah thank you very much but I don't want a boyfriend at the moment 😊"

Grandma #1:"you know you and Chenle would make a wonderful couple!" I blushed really hard and stopped dancing

Y/n: "oh really? No one would make a good couple with me 😅"

Chenle pov
I heard y/n talking with a grandma about her not wanting a boyfriend which made me pretty sad but then I heard

Grandma #1:" you know you and Chenle would make a wonderful couple!"

Don't you just love Grandma's!

Y/n pov

We walked to Chenle's Grandpa's house and ate some food. Chenle told me about how he was here in Shanghai since yesterday but his mom told him that you were at grandpa's house. I sighed and said.

Y/n:"well I'm here now! Let's eat 😊"

After we ate,  the people that were Chenle's friends in Korea went back on their mission and left the house.

Y/n: "hey chenle want to go to the park again?"


We walked to the park and talked about what happened while he was in Korea and not too much happened except what happened to my parents but since I didn't want him to worry I didn't tell him.

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