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I am happy, I am thankful and I am proud
Said with a smile for the cameras at the countdown.


Millie was freaking out.

Maybe not on the outside, but on the inside she was a mess. The car was pulling up and she could see all of the celebrities exiting their own. She looked to Lilia who was staring in awe out the window.

"I can't do this," She said shaking her head. Lilia glanced over to her and sighed.

"Yes you can."

"I can't, I don't want to. I don't want to answer questions or walk that carpet or sit in for that stupid dinner I-"

Lilia placed her hand on Millie's knee and nodded her head with an encouraging smile, "You can."

Millie swallowed and Lilia gave even more of a smile, "You look amazing. Your dress and your hair and your makeup, everything is perfect. He's going to regret ever leaving you."

Millie scoffed, "That's not what tonight is about. I'm just nervous to be out in front of the world again."

"And to see him in person again," Lilia added on.

Millie sighed, "And if I am?"

"Then that's okay. You loved the guy Millie, of course you'd be nervous," Lilia replied.

Millie nodded, "What if they ask questions about him?"

"Then you answer truthfully," Lilia replied back.

"So I should tell them that we were in a contract?" Millie questioned.

Lilia shook her head, "Maybe not that part. The truth about how you felt."

Millie nodded, "Okay...I think I can do that."

"If you really don't want to answer a question just don't, it's not like they can force you," Lilia said shrugging.

Millie nodded and then the door to the car was opened. Her heartbeat sped up as she watched Lilia climb out. She followed and stepped out of the car carefully, smoothing out her dress as she let out a breath to calm herself down.

They were led quickly to the entrance to where they would be walking onto the carpet and Millie could feel her nerves grow stronger and stronger, getting the best of her and making her almost feel dizzy. This was real and this was happening, something that she had been anticipating ever since she had let Lilia convince her to go. She thought that she could do this but now she felt like running back home and locking herself in her room.

"Lils I can't," Millie said under her breath as she gripped Lilia's arm roughly.

Lilia turned to her and nodded, "We can leave now if you want."

Millie swallowed and looked around, her eyes landing on some of the celebrities who were walking in with ease, smiles on their faces. She looked back to Lilia who had a concerned look on her own face. She knew Lilia had been a bit excited for this and she really didn't want to take that away from her.

"No, I can do it actually. Let's go."

Lilia nodded and then Millie linked arms with her, the both of them walking with their heads high to the start of the carpet. The sound of the crowds of paparazzi grew but Millie drowned them out with happier thoughts. She had to keep her mind clear if she was going to make it through the night. She needed to do this.

No more hiding.

The two were signaled to start walking and then they were off, their steps slow but every one having such great meaning. It was only a couple seconds before the screaming started, and Millie closed her eyes for a split second as if it would pull herself together at least a little bit more.

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