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Hoseok and Wendy stared at each other for a while. Mostly because of what she said to him, he may find it unreasonable but not her so there was no use on getting embarrassed about it now that she said the words.

Wendy didn't feel it earlier but she was starting to feel the cold since it was chilly outside especially when the fabric of her dress is thin. She unconsciously hugged herself to warm her up. Her anger already subsided since she told him what's the issue.

Hoseok who haven't said anything since she talked took his blazer off and stepped towards her, putting the coat over her shoulder by himself. Wendy wasn't able to react because he just did it all of a sudden.

Still close with her not letting go of the blazer, Hoseok looked at her straight on the eyes. Wendy was intimidated by his stare but she held her ground.

"I'll be your boyfriend then," Hoseok said without batting his eyes.

Wendy's eyes went wide. What did he just say? him? her boyfriend? that's ridiculous!

"W-what?" She asked because she can't seem to believe what she just heard.

"If I become your boyfriend, you won't worry about finding a guy, right?"

"B-but..." How could he just say that so carelessly? He doesn't even know her well. She can't seem to talk as she is tongue-tied.

"I'll be your boyfriend until the day that you get bored with me until then, I want you to be my fiancee."

Wendy frowned, confused. So for her, he's like her boyfriend and for him, she's a fiancee? She doesn't know how to think of the situation anymore.

"Are you telling me that we use each other?" She asked pointing at him and herself.

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders. "If that's how you see me but I didn't introduce you in front of my family just to use you--"

"You just did." Wendy pointed out.

"Not for me, I don't have a girlfriend and you're single. I don't mind if I date you." Hoseok said as if their topic isn't trivial. Wendy looked around if there are people around.

"Are you crazy? You don't even know me." And they just met twice! It's either this guy is serious or just utterly stupid. But true, he wouldn't introduce her in front of his family for just a one night show, for sure his family isn't that stupid.

"I know enough about you. Now, I'd like it if we go inside. You can think today as our day 1 or the day we met, you choose." He concluded as if she already agreed.

Wendy just stared at him, is she going to accept his proposal? It's not like she likes the guy, crush maybe but what does she get from dating him? It's unfair for her part.

"Don't think too hard about it, just think that I'm passing by in your life for a while. When you finally found the guy you truly like and when you can take the ring off then I'll be the one to leave, I won't hold onto you, I promise." He said assuring her.

The way he said it sounds sad to Wendy. So, they are just strangers passing by in each other's lives, and when the day comes that there's nothing to do with each other anymore, they'd just be strangers who never met from the beginning.

"Okay."  What he said is true anyway, she has no boyfriend and no time to find a guy and he doesn't have a girlfriend so she can save time.

Hoseok grinned and held onto her left hand before setting it on his arms.

"Let's go milady." He said to her and they both walk inside. Wendy stifled a laugh. She doesn't know where this situation will lead her but she guesses it's fine to take a detour once in a while.

The people inside asked where they've been and Wendy didn't know how to respond she was glad that Hoseok knows what to reply already leaving him to answer all the questions. After talking with some of his family they finally went to Seulgi's table.

Wendy realized she's still wearing his blazer and was about to take it off but Hoseok stopped her.

"Use it, I don't want you getting sick now."

Wendy was flustered and looked down, she doesn't know how to respond to that.

Hoseok took a chair for her and Wendy gratefully sat down and he sat beside her after. She hates to admit it but Hoseok is a gentleman.

"Meet my friends by the way." He said introducing his friends one by one, there are five of them. She doesn't know if she'd ever memorized or she needs to memorize their names, she just smiled and nodded at them.

"Where's Jin?" asked Hoseok.

It was Jimin who answered. "He said he's looking for a girl, he looks whipped. The girl had red hair."

Wendy and Seulgi looked at each other with wide eyes. It's not who they think that has a red hair right? There are other girls who have red hair as well. Oh no Joy, what if it's really her? She feels bad for Jin, whoever that guy is. It's better if they just shut their mouth and don't tell that they know someone with red hair.

"Why are the two of you looking at each other weirdly?" Hoseok pertained to Seulgi and Wendy.

The two just laughed and said that it's nothing.

"Now that the two of you are here, we can finally plan about the outing," Taehyung said.

"Outing?" Wendy asked out loud her eyes looking at each one of them but she settled her gaze at Hoseok who just grinned and shrugged his shoulder.

"We're going on a trip next week."

What does he mean by 'we'? we as in him and his friends?

or we as in she's included?

I hope not

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