memories & meetings

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"You have to get married," My mother said with tears streaming down her face.

my heart crumbled as I heard these words. What? how—i d-don't understand?
"What do you mean married?" I asked, flabbergasted.
"Your father's debts" she choked out, still crying hysterically. "We have to pay them, and ... and... and this is the only way."
I felt like my heart fell outta my body. My dreams of getting my master's degree, My dream of becoming and ob/gyn, my dreams of being successful, all flushed down the drain.
"Sweetheart," my father whispers, lying on his hospital bed.
"Yes daddy?" My fifteen year old self asked. The normally cheery and happy man looked at me, with eyes of sorrow.
"I maybe leaving you soon, and I've done many things in the past, that could potentially hurt you in the future. But promise me, you'll stay true to yourself, will ya?"
I look into my dying father's eyes, strained and red. I hope that I don't disappoint you, Dad. I hope one day we can meet again. I hope the thing you're talking about isn't too bad.
I give him a promising smile and say, "I will."
my mom and I had cried in each other's arms for the next two hours. She was experiencing the same pain, for she had to marry the man that my father owed money to. We talked about things. We talked about Dad, we talked about how we didn't want to do this, we even shared a few secrets, like how when Mom and Dad had their first date, and she threw up in the bathroom, because she was so nervous. As things began to calm down, she explained to me what would happen.
"so later around seven, we have to go to dinner... and meet them." She explained.
"what do you mean meet them? I'm not gonna get a chance to Talk to him one on one? Grow a connection?" I angrily exclaimed.
"He wants us to get things done, now and fast." She responded.
bull shit.
"He's lucky, we're dealing with my dad."
around 6:30, we were ready to go to this stupid dinner. I wore a form fitting red dress and black heels, my mother wearing the same, except her dress was royal blue. I wanted to dress as shitty as possible, but Mom said "wE hAvE tO mAkE a gReAt fIrSt iMpReSsIon." Throughout the car ride there I asked my mom, "Why did Dad never pay any of his debts?" She remained silent and breathed in heavily. "These debts only began because he wanted the best for our family, since he got laid off from Pakistan, he's been borrowing money to keep our family stable. I didn't even know about it my self." She chuckles at the last few words. I remained silent, but gave her a nod, showing the I understood what she was saying. I thought in my mind,
he risked it all for us. now look where we are.

When we arrived at the restaurant, My mom was immediately greeted by a guy, which I assumed was the debtor. He was black and wore an off white tux, and a blue tie. He had this creepy, perverted look on his face.
"Hello there, you must be Jada." He said, in the most idontwannafreakingbeherevoice. He then hugged me, I didn't think anything of it, until his hands slowly crept super close to my butt.
This mother-fucker.
I kept quiet, trying my best to make a gReAt fIrSt iMpReSsIoN.
As he walked us toward our table I whispered to my mom "what a creep", in an attempt to lighten the mood. She giggled softly, but her face never changed.
We sat down, at a big round table by a window. I could see the ocean from there, and it brought back memories.
"Daddy, Mommy! Look at the ocean!" My carefree five year old self screamed. My parents giving each other looks of love and giggling softly, since it had been a while since the family had spent time together. "Baby, don't go to far into the beach without us, we don't want you getting lost." My dad warned. "Ok Daddy!" I said as I ran towards the wet part of the beach, with a sand-pail and shovel in my tiny hands. "Im gonna build biggest sandcastle ever!" I thought out loud to myself. As I built my first tier, I smiled with pride. But that pride was soon crushed, when a foot stepped on the foundation of my castle. I gave the foot a frown and looked up, to see a boy, probably 12 on top of my castle, laughing at me with his two friends. "Heyy, you stepped on my castle!" I said angrily. "Hahahahaha," the boy laughed. "Loooook your stupid castle now crushed." I began to tear up, I didn't know how to stand up to bullies. "Leave me alone! Go away!" I cried. I tried to get up and walk away myself but I found my self pushed onto the ground. "Heyy stop it!" I said between sobs, as the boys began to throw sand at me. But then a heroic voice was heard from behind the group of laughing morons. "I believe you're messing with my daughter?" The boys turned around in fear, giving my Daddy and I apologies. I accepted them, since I grew up always knowing to forgive others for their mistakes. "Now," my father quietly said. "SCRAM!" The boys ran for their lives, leaving me and my daddy full of laughter.
"So." My mom says, trying to initiate the meeting. "Where's your son. We want this done and over with." She says bluntly as possible.
The old man checks his phone and sighs in frustration. "oh tHAT piece of shit? His dumbass is on his way, can't even freaking get to one place on time." He grumbles. I give my mom a look, a look of worry.
I don't think my mom would be safe with this guy. I don't trust him, at all.
As the three of us wait around for his son, I go on my phone. I see messages from my best friend, Sarah. She sent me pics of her and her boyfriend, and a few pictures of her with my other best friend Ashlyn at a bar.
I wish I could be there too.
I'm so focused on my phone that I don't even notice the man who was now sitting on the table. My mom kicks me from under the table. "Mother!" I exclaimed, in pain. She looks at me, then the direction of where the creepy guy was sitting. I frantically look up and see him. He was also black, like his dad, and super tall. His jawline a perfect angle. His hair, precisely cut. His eyes as brown as the hot chocolate I had when I went to Paris for my senior trip.
He was ...

HEY YALL🤠 (no I'm not a cowgirl, i just like that emoji)
Welcome to my book! This is my first book ever in my whole life, so please don't call me out if it's super shitty😭 ALSO! Don't forget to leave feedback, not feedback like:
tHiS sHiTs wAcK aS fUcK dUdE.
no no no. that'll get you blocked. (I have a really low patience, sorry😅)
Feedback like this:
you should add more stuff to the chapters, give more details.
all that jazz🤗
But please share with your friends guys! Thanks for reading! Toodle-looo!

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