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I woke up and heard a flash. I opened my eyes slowly and Dave and Krist were taking pictures of me. I was confused at first but then I saw Kurt and me cuddling. Kurt woke up slowly. "WHAT" Kurt bounced up. "We told you to stop with the PDA" Dave said. "There was one couch and you took the guest room" Kurt said. "Whoops" Dave giggled. "Shelli made Pancakes" Krist said kissing Shelli on the forehead. We sat at the table when the doorbell rang. I was about to answer it but Kurt grabbed my hand and walked me over. The pizza guy was at the door in regular clothes with a black eye. "Hey..." The boy said. "Get the fuck off my property" Krist yelled from his seat. "I'm just here to apologize" The boy said. Kurt slammed the door on him and took my wrist. He gave it 5 kisses. He had done this several times since yesterday. "I'm going to promise you something" Kurt said. "I swear on my life I'll never let anyone hurt you like hat when I'm around" he said. Kurt kissed my forehead. He acted like I was his girlfriend or his best friend as we just met yesterday. "Did I tell you you're adorable" He looked at me. I turned pink. "I'm not really" I said. "Well to me you are" he said. "I really think that too".  "We need to go to the garage to pick up some stuff" Krist said. "Stay here with El k?" "Sure thing" Kurt said as they walked out the door. "I wrote a song yesterday" Kurt said. "Can I hear it" I asked. "Not yet" he said. "You want to hear something I've been working on though" he asked. "Sure" I said blushing. He took me upstairs and we plugged in his guitar.

One baby to another says, "I'm lucky to have met you"
I don't care what you think unless it is about me.
It is now my duty to completely drain you
I travel a tube and end up in your infection

"It's shit I know" Kurt says. "I like it" I say. "I'm just gonna keep it in my journal for now." Kurt shrugs. "What about this new song" I ask. "You'll hear it tonight" he smiled.

We ended up going back to the garage for a performance. "We are NIRVANA" Krist said. "Tonight we sing about a girl" Kurt says gazing at me slightly. I knew it wasn't about me but I just felt happy.

I need an easy friend
I do, with an ear to lend
I don't think you fit this shoe
I do, won't you have a clue
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
I'm standing in your line
I do hope you have the time
I do pick a number too
I do keep a date with you
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
I need an easy friend
I do whip her in to land
I do think you fit this shoe
I do won't you have a clue
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
No I can't see you every night
I do
I do
I do
I do

Krist speaks. "Kurt wrote this about a girl in the crowd by the name of-" "THATS ALL FOLKS" Kurt yelled. Kurt walked down. He walked past me. "What's up with him" I ask Krist. "He's just acting douchey" Dave said. I walk over to Kurt. "You okay..." I ask. "Yup" he said snappy. "Sorry did I do something" I ask. "No just go away" he said. "Fine" I walked off. I went to the Bar area to eat a cherry sprite. "Hey there" I nice looking boy said. "Hey" I said talking to him. "You here alone" he asked. "Why do you want to know" I asked. "Not to be creepy but creeps hang around here it's not safe to be alone" he said. "Well now it tools like I'm not" I smiled. Kurt looked over at me while I was talking to the boy. The boy shook my hand and Kurt started to walk over. "Is he bothering  you" Kurt asked. "Why, you don't  care" I strolled my eyes. "Maybe I do" he said. The boy ran off in fright of Kurt. "So now I can't even talk to people" I say sternly. "You didn't even want me near you and now you're hovering me" I snap. "Come on" Kurt did grabbing my hand. "I'm sorry I'm just trying to protect you" he kissed it. I yank it out f his grasp and walk over annoyed to the rest of the band. "Are we ready to go" I ask. "Yeah" Dave responds hoping in the band. I hop in and Kurt sits down. "I'm sorry" he says to me in the back. "Whatever" I turn. He reached for my hand. I wanted to be mad but I let him. He puts his head on my lap. "So wanna watch a movie" he ask. "It would have to be at my place" I say. "Cool" he said. Krist and Dave drop us off at my house and I open the door.

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