Chapter 3

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Arrows family all growl out a no. Hiccup looks confused. Arrow clarifies. "They don't want to leave home. I don't want to, too."

Hiccup looked desperate. "Please! I didn't bring my tools with me! They're back in Berk!"

"I said no. No means no." Crow growled to validate Arrow. Hiccup sighs in defeat. "Fine."

"Promise me that no one else will come too."

"I promise, Arrow." The girl relaxes slightly.

"Could I at least stay for one more day? It was a long trip." Hiccup asks. Shadow and Crow growl in protest, Toothless growling right back. Arrow glances at her mom. Night is tense but doesn't seem to be against it. Arrow nods her head. "Ok." Hiccup looks relieved.

"Thanks. Lets go set up camp, Toothless." He walks away Toothless closely following behind, still tense. Arrow notices his left foot is replaced with a strange substance. Its color is similar to Silver's coloring. Arrow goes about her normal routine. She shares some of her roasted food with the auburn-haired boy at lunch and dinner. When everyone heads to bed, Arrow can only stare at the cave ceiling with a blank stare, replaying everything happening today. She eventually dozes off; the nightmare plaguing her sleep.

Arrow wakes up early, dark bags under eyes, her innocent mind infested with thoughts of the nightmare. She creeps outside to get fresh air, skillfully avoiding any dragon limbs sticking out of the smoke circles. She closes her eyes and breathes in the morning air deeply, the fresh air already clearing her mind of the nightmare. She can feel wind whipping her vibrant, red hair away from her body. She looks up and sees storm clouds covering the sky and blocking the sun. When she looks down towards the shore, she sees footprints on the beach that stop suddenly where the water meets the grainy sand. She visibly relaxes and goes to her traps quickly, quickly putting the animals to sleep sensing a storm brewing. She finished her chores quickly and by the time she milked the goat and cleaned the rabbit fur, the clouds had begun to leak, drizzle falling on her. She rushed back to the cave, but she was still soaked in cold, freezing water when she arrived. She headed toward the fire she made earlier and took off her feather and fur dress and dried off using sewn together squirrel pelts. She then threw on another fur and feather dress she made weeks ago and plopped down next to the fire by her family. Stardust moving closer to Arrow, and Silver making bad jokes. Just like any other day.

Time Skip

Arrow had finished half her food and left the other half under rabbit furs for dinner. The rain had stopped pelting against the island by late afternoon. She stepped out into the humid air and wet, grainy sand. The sun shone brightly. The wet sand sank under her weight as she spotted something wooden docking onto the shore. It had big giant cloths on huge wooden poles and many men aboard it, yelling out orders that all jumbled together. Arrow saw other dragons. One was blue and spiky. Another was red and had a long neck; it was shooting a flames at a black-haired boy. There was also a small chubby dragon, bumps covered it's skin. Then, there was a two-headed dragon, fighting with each other. And...Toothless?! The black-haired boy was talking to an auburn-haired boy, Hiccup. A pretty, blonde female was yelling at two people who looked like each other. Arrow didn't think the two people were paying attention because they were poking at each other. Then, a very fat human was observing some scales on the damp sand. Arrow looked back at Hiccup and saw the black-haired boy pointing at her, nudging Hiccup, who looked very unhappy and surprised.

The pig-faced looking boy started towards her, and Arrow let out a cry for her family. Immediately the intruders turn towards her voice and the sounds of dragons getting up and growling are made imminent. Shadow is the first one out of the cave, his gray eyes giving off a murderous glint. Arrow hisses in dragon tongue at Hiccup. "You promised no one else would come! Traitor!" She rushes towards him and tackles him. Arrow pulls back a hand and claws his face with her fingernails. She feels calloused hands pull at her, and Arrow is thrown a few feet from Hiccup. She sees the blonde woman looking angry at Arrow. She snarls and pulls out her dagger. The dull trademark almost shining in the late afternoon sun. She hears a gasp from her right and quickly snaps her knife towards the gasp. It was the fat boy. She hears her family snarling, growling, and roaring mixing with the other dragons cries of anger. He stutters. "T- that's the Herb Tribe trademark!" Hiccup frowns. "That's not possible, Fishlegs. They were all slaughtered." Arrow feels a hand grab her shoulder, and she spins and slices the hand. It's another blonde girl her narrow face smiling as blood spills out her wound. She feels a prick on her leg. Arrow pays no attention to the feeling and instead growls at the two people. Suddenly, she can't stay awake despite staying in a cave all day, and she falls down asleep. Stardust cries out for her but the spiky, blue dragon pinned her down. She felt a prick on her leg. One by one all of Arrows family fell and were sleeping soundly.

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