A Continuation Of "PLEASE STOP" (old)

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When making a FNaF game, or just any horror game for that matter, try not to include any of your personal ships in it. These are dead children in robotic suits out for revenge, not your persona.

Wait, wouldn't it be pedophilia if you ship the robots with either your self or someone else, they couldn't be over the age of 12 could they? That goes for fan art to. I'm not trying to hate, I'm just wondering.

Another thing is, try not to make your animatronic to cute, okay? I know your gonna make the excuse that this is for kids but, it still has to be scary, and no, it doesn't count as scary if you add black eyes and a bit of blood.
Same thing with making it to spoopy, I applaud you for actually trying to make it a horror game and not some, "OMG SO KAWAII!!!1!!1," type thing but, it's still meant to be a place for kids. You need to find that little '80s grey area, where things look terrifying but, suitable enough for kids that the government will allow it.

Last thing here, don't make your OC related to any of the robots, I don't care if you think that robots can have genetical siblings, just don't. Same thing for being adopted by them. Some ghosts may have been siblings but, they prob really won't remember or, will have more important things to do.
(It's fine if you have a human child being adopted by one of the animatronics, because of all of the "protect the kid" stuff in their coding, you can even do the "SpringTrap and Delila" thing.)

Well, I felt bad that I hadn't updated in so long so, I decided to write two chapters in one day.
See you soon my little embers, s e e  y o u  s o o n . . .

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