Chapter 8

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"Wake up, Wise Girl."


"Get up."


"It's a surprise, but take stuff for the beach"

"Kk, gimme 15 minutes."

"Meet me by Thalia's tree."

With that, Percy walked out the door and Annabeth began to flip out.  Oh my gods, Percy is taking ME to the beach to go surf.  Eeeeppp!! Omg, what do I wear?! Slow your roll Annabeth.  Just be normal Annabeth.  She put on a light-blue t-shirt, white jean shorts, a brown, skinny belt, and flip-flops.  She gathered a towel and sunscreen (her red bikini was on under her clothes).  She but her hair into a messy pony-tail, put a little lip gloss and water-proof mascara on. She glanced in the mirror, Eh, good enough, and headed out the door.

"Well, took you long enough."

"Shut up," she said as she swatted his arm.


"Serves you right."

"My mom's here to take us."

They hopped into Sally's car and sped off to the beach."


They grabbed their boards out of the trunk of the car and sped towards to the beach. Annabeth's board was 7 feet and white with turquoise and dark blue stripes on it.  Percy's board was about 6 feet and it was solid teal.  They quickly jumped on their boards and paddled out.  The conditions were perfect: clear water, no clouds, 3-4 feet waves, and she was there with Percy.  She couldn't even see the road and they were completely alone.  Come up with a deep question that will hopefully get you some answers.

"Percy, do you wonder what it would be like if we had never became friends?'

"Not really, but I don't think I could have done it without you, Wise Girl." Ahhhh! My heart! He cares!  OMG! Calm down, don't freak out.

Annabeth just smiled at him, knowing he was 100% correct, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't have done it without him.

A nice wave started to form and Annabeth started paddling.  She stood up and rode that wave all the way to shore.  She turned around and stuck her tongue out at Percy. Gods, why does he have to be so fricking gorgeous with his sea-green eyes, tan skin, toned abs, and raven hair.  I just want to grab him and... NO ANNABETH, that is far too unrealistic.  She paddled back out to where Percy was.

"How was that?"


"Just eh!"

"I mean it was good for a beginner."


She playfully splashed Percy.

"You're gonna pay for that Wise Girl!"

He splashed her back with even more water.  Annabeth came up with a strategy (being a daughter of Athena has its perks).  She smirked and she took off her leash and jumped off her board and swam over to Percy's board.  She went under water and swam under Percy's board and tipped it over.  Nice one, Annabeth.  Percy doggy-paddled over to her and dunked her head under water. She swam up and was eye-level with Percy.  Gods, his eyes are so gorgeous.  They stared into each others eyes.  Annabeth could see every single detail on Percy's face.  She could feel his breath against her face.  Annabeth's trance was broken by Percy splashing her one last time.  This interaction had triggered something in Annabeth.  Lucky for her a set came in and she rode the first wave into shore.  She hopped her off her board and ran into the forest bawling her eyes out.  She sat on a boulder with her head in her hands.  What the heck just happened?  She desperately searched for answers.  I think I just realized how lucky I am to have Percy as I friend.  I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.  Her chain of thought was broken when she felt a strong hand on her shoulder.  She looked up to see Percy with a concerned expression.

"What happened back there?"

"I'm not entirely sure.  Out in the water, I had this realization of what it would be like without you and I guess it just made me sad.  Whatever, I'm probably just over-reacting."

"No, you're not over-reacting.  I mean, I don't know what I would do if something happened to you.  For example, in the Battle of Manhattan I was freaking out when your shoulder got injured."

"Thanks, you always know ho to make me feel better."

Percy held out his hand.

"Come on, Wise Girl.  Let's go catch some waves."

Annabeth took Percy's hand and he led her out to the ocean.  They goofed around and surfed around for the rest of the day until Sally game to get them around sun set so they could make it to camp before curfew.  They took a detour in the city and grabbed dinner real quick.  Sally gave them its one last hug and said goodbye.  Percy and Annabeth walked into camp and parted ways at their cabins. 

"'Night, Wise Girl."

"'Night, Seaweed Brain."

I apologize for the 3 week break.   High School is kicking my butt so far.  And to add on, I'm having lots of friend and boy problems.  So ya, that's great, but hopefully I'll find time to write. 

I know Annabeth is having a lot of mental breakdown so far, but it's just to show how she can be herself in front of Percy and it is a way for Percy to be there for her.  Also, life as a female teenager is very emotional and dramatic.


The Slightest Touch- A Percabeth StoryWhere stories live. Discover now