01 - Lowkey Intro

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Gakuran Parka [me]: (slouched over the couch) I'm boreeeeed.

👑 Kaito [Obey_Kaito]: (huffs) And do something instead of laying around.

Parka: (whines) But I don't want to, King!

Requiem [Requiem_Kaito]: You're bored and don't want to do anything? My, that's already laziness, Parka.

Parka: Hmmm. . .
Naaaaaaah. I don't think so. It's just you're all just boring. What are you even doing Requiem?

Requiem: I'm, umm. . . (was holding 6 chibi-like dolls of familiar faces)
(drops dolls) Migrating.

Parka: Suspicious. . .
(turns to King) What about you, King?

👑 Kaito: Managing my kingdom.

Parka: But you're playing a game―

👑 Kaito: S-shut up you filthy peasant!

Parka: And where's Dustie? He was just here seconds ago. . . Dustie!!!

Diamond Dust (duxst-): (pops out of nowhere) Refrain yourself from calling me Dustie.

Parka: UWAH! You scared me.
(composed) So, what should I call you then? Diast?

Dust: (looks away) You just combined Dia of Diamond and st of Dust. And top of it, you're making me remember a long gone rp.
Dust will do just fine, you know.

Parka: Diamond Dust it is!

Dust: . . .
. . You're definitely messing with me.

Parka: (whispers) By the way, what's rp?
(shakes head) Anyways! Where did you come from?

Dust: Out.

Parka: Where did you came in or out? I didn't see you leavi―

Dust: Window.

Parka: Σ (゚Д゚ )What the f―

General (@ ---): (walks in the room)

Parka: General! (stands up and charges at General head on)

General: (evades)

Parka: (runs into the wall) Ouch!

👑 Kaito: Hahaha! Well deserved.

Requiem: (is catching all of the dolls that he purposely dropped; its alive, the dolls)

General: (just looks at Parka)

Dust: (deadpanned) Are you alive?

General: (looks at Dust, surprised under his gas mask)

Parka: (recovers) I'm okay!
And General! How was your day?

General: . . .
(writes on a whiteboard he has with him) "Dead."

Parka: Don't be KJ now― actually, all of you are already KJs!
And because of that, I'm gonna start something not boring that you'll be in it, whether you like it or not!!! It'll be us, doing some random stuff!!!

👑 Kaito: (pauses game) Huuuuuuuuuuh? Are you really forcing me to join your foolish games? Hah! You're still as ambitious as ever.

Requiem: (caught the last of the dolls)
(stands up straight) Me and games doesn't go well.

Diamond Dust: I'm not interested, thank you very much.

General: (writes) "No."

Parka: Nuh-uh! Ya boi ain't taking a no for an answer! (determined)

And so, clouds of doom hovers above.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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