chapter3 a blast from the past

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naruto was shocked when he found out that the mysterious person was his old friend saskue...

- saskue... i havent seen you in a long time! what are you doing here? (naruto)

- i dont know where im going... it was just a coincidence that i was here at the right time to save your ass from getting ambushed.... (saskue)

- why haven't you come back to the village yet? (naruto)

- i promised itachi to protect the village... i never said anything about going back to that place... and even if i wanted to go back home i doubt anyone want me there... so i decided to stay out of the village... ( saskue)

- comeon saskue! you know that's not true! (naruto)

- no! i wont come back! (saskue)

- well thwn... like i said that day many years ago... if you won't come back willingly, then.... then i will take you by force.... and i will breake every bone in your body and drag you back if i have to! (naruto)

- you have already tried that, and it wont end any different this time (saskue)

- dont underestimate me! here i come... saskue! (naruto) 

as they fought with everything they had they fired away one powerfull jutsu after another, the fight dragged on for hours.... after endless fighting they were both exhausted... and then naruto realized that saskue hadn't used his susano during the fight, naruto had nothing left to give... and saskue was getting ready for one final attack with the susano, naruto tried to counter saskue's attack but in the end he failed..... now both of them was deprived of all their strength, only saskue was left standing and naruto was lying flat on the ground....

- i told you i would end the same way as last time.... i'll be going now (saskue)

- you are not going anywhere! shadow possession jutsu! now! sakura, hinata! take him out! (shikamaru)

- do you really think you can do any better then naruto? you don't even compare to him! even with almost all my strength gone i can still take you down! (saskue)

- saskue! please, come back with us! i beg you! do you remember what i said to you the night you left the village? (sakura)

- yeah and what of it? (saskue)

- i..... i still feel the same way... i still love you saskue... so please com back to the village, i promise you won't regret it.... (sakura)

- hmmmm.... you are still as anoying as ever... i'm sorry sakura i can't go back home, goodbye... (saskue)

naruto, shikamaru, sakura and hinata got back safely, but naruto had to stay in the hostpital for a few days, shikamaru went to report the mission to lady hokage.

dammit!! how could i let him get away again! just like the last time i tried ti get him home... why is it that he is slightly stronger than me everytime i meet him.... (naruto thinking)

- dammit, dammit, dammit!! (naruto)

- hey naruto! why so angry? just calm down before you hurt yourself even more.(jiraiya)

- oh, hey pervy sage... (naruto)

- so naruto... whats on your mind? (jiraiya)

- well... why is it that saskue allways end's up defiting me no matter how strong i become... why is it that he is slightly stronger then me no matter what i do...? (naruto)

- it's dont that he is stronger then you naruto, he is just smarter then you... he is allways calm... and you are allways reckless, it's that simple (jiraiya)

i know where i can go to get information on where to find saskue, i'll need a team first, i cant tell anyone else about this.... (naruto thinking)

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