CHAPTER 1 my fate

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I am beginning to feel that I am a cursed child. Because nothing good ever comes my way.
First l lost my Mum at child birth. And my dad when I turn 4. According to my uncle he was devoured by a wide beast. Everyone called me a cursed child and rejected me. Whoever took me in will definitely be welcomed by a dark force tormenting them until there throw me out. I was only 12 years old taking accommodation by this strange family who took me in. I was very happy thinking I've found a family of my own. until one day the husband tried to take advantage of me but was instantly struck by thunder and died immediately. I was then drag to the king ,who by his order declared that I should be thrown into the dungeon.
For the past 8 years I've been in the darkness surviving with little or no food to keep me physically fit. I've been silently praying for my own death to come and take away this suffering from me and it's like my prayers are answered. It was a rainy day and I felt the cold sipping out from the hard concrete and embraced me. The door swing open and I shivered. Two guards came in and grab me roughly from the ground and were taking me somewhere I couldn't fathom. My vision were blur as i was very weak and they were moving too fast. After turning from one corner to another and another we stopped in front of a huge door it was all black and different from every other door we walk through. Something tells me I won't come out alive once I go in there. The door opened we were engulf with darkness but still I was dragged further inside until the small glow of seven green lantern appears. I was chained to the ground while on my knees. I tried to break free but only hurt my wrist and ankle the more. I felt tears gathering in my eyes dropping to the ground. I couldn't cry out or scream because my throat was too dry and croaky. Suddenly I heard movements and the feel of dark magic around I stiffened. my heart pound so widely as I try to see who it is. Seven men in black from head to toe stand before me and had their gaze focused on me. I looked terrified as I couldn't fathom who they are. But I had the feeling that whatever they want to do to me will not be good. the voice in my heard scream loudly at me
You don't have to be scared
Alexa. You asked for death
So here it is.
No,,,,,,i closed my eyes tight to shut down the voice inside my head. Even if i prayed for death it shouldn't be this way. The door swing open and another figure came inside this time, it was the king himself. He walk close to the men in black and they talk while I tried hard to hear their voices.

" are you sure she is the one? The king asked in a deadly serious face.

The man who seems to be the leader spoke with power. "The God's don't make mistake my king. so yes, she is the one".

The king glance my way and sigh." I don't think she will make it. "She looks so weak,and I can tell she can't move a muscle.

"Leave that to me, for as long she find's him,she will be save.

The king take a look at me again. he still has that serious look in his face."Okay, let the procedure begins. He step aside while the men on black form a circle around me, holding their hands together, heads bow down while they chanted strange words. I tried to break free but felt the chain grow tightly on my skin pulling me down I took my last glance to see the King existing the room. I tried to scream for help but my world slowly turn black as my eyes gave way to total darkness while falling into an unconscious state.



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