once in a reality

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once in a reality

in a different reality, i wish things turned out better between us

i was blind, oblivious to your light
now i wish i've seen your darkness before
and i hope that somewhere
in a reality that isn't ours
we could've become something different
something special

i hope one day
we can move past our mistakes
but that's impossible
knowing that trust is hard to get back

in another reality, we probably were happy
happier than what we could've ever been
and now you're gone
and i wish it was under different circumstances

i'm ready to give you up
sacrifice what we have
but i hope in another reality
you'll understand why

in another reality, i hope we meet under different circumstances
but then
would we be happy?

in another reality, i wish you well
i wish we could've been more
but people come and leave

and apparently in this reality,
it was your turn to go

in different reality, i wish things turned out better between us
i loved you

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