Keith runs away

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Keith's POV
Hello my name is Keith Kogane and I have a crush on my fellow Paladin named Lance McClain. But he likes Allura. When we found out about me being part Galra I was frozen and didn't know how to respond. But when I kept getting glared at by Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Allura and Lance all I could do was cry. So I decided that it would be best if I run away. When we stopped on a planet that had no life on it I took my chance and ran away. 'They probably won't know I'm even gone.' I thought to myself.

Lance's POV
After we found out about Keith being part Galra I just looked at her as if she was an enemy which she is by the way.

Shiro's POV
I can't believe Keith is part of the enemy. She was like a sister to me.

Pidge's POV
Keith is just like the enemy, evil. I mean the Galra kidnapped my dad and brother. Keith is part of the Galra so I can't trust her.

Hunk's POV
Keith is an enemy.

Coran's POV
I can't believe I let a Galra get close to the princess.

Allura's POV
I can't believe I trusted a Galra.

Keith's POV
I can't believe they hate me now. I mean I guess I can't blame them I am one of the enemy now. I mean Lance is the one I've had a crush on since forever but I guess that doesn't matter anymore considering they hate me now. Damn never thought I'd cry over Lance. But anyways here I am sitting in a cave that I've been living in since we landed on this planet. So what do I do now wait and hope they notice I'm gone. Yeah right they are probably to busy with each other to notice I'm gone. After fifteen minutes of crying I ended up falling asleep.

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