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Total Divas Season 8 episode 3
Unforgettable Knights

Nia Pov

Currently, me and Brie are out shopping at this local pop up shop in town before Raw starts. She's here because she needs to find some new scented candles for her house and I'm here because I'm bored and I really didn't have a choice but to come and join her.

Brie: Nia, I thought we were friends?

Me: We are friends Brie, what are you talking about.

Brie: So why didn't you tell me about you and Elias.

Me: What's there to talk about? Me and him are just friends.

Brie: Yeah and Me and Brian were just friends and look where I'm at now.

She said pulling me over to the bench so she can try to see where I'm at mentally. The truth is I don't know where me and Elias stand I think he will always see me as a friend and who could blame him.

Me: The truth is I don't know, guys don't look at me as attractive so I rather just be kept in the friend zone.

Brie: Nia stop it! You know I hate seeing you put yourself down. If guys don't see you as being attractive then that's their problem because they just lost out on a girl that is one in a million.

Me:(cries) Thanks Brie it means a lot but it's still hurtful that guys don't get to see the real me they judge me by my size abs shut me out completely. I would want to have a nice family like you do someday but I know the chances of that are really slim. I just....sometimes I feel like a prisoner in my own body.

It's hard for anyone that's not big to understand my plight, I get judge for everything I do. I get judge by some of my family members for being too big and being a burden to the family by not having any children. Sometimes, I wish I could go back in the past to when I was slimmer but that just adds more stress and I end up getting bigger.

Brie: It's okay let it all out I can tell you've been holding this in your whole life. You have a beautiful soul and that exudes from the outside. I can tell by the way Elias looks at you that he looks at you as being more than a friend. I know opening up to him can be a scary thing because of the rejection but even the blind can see that he loves himself some Nia. So how about we go clothes shopping and you woo him with drop dead gorgeous looks. Open up you may be surprised on what might happens.

Brie Confesional
Okay y'all got me...I may know something that Nia doesn't. Elias came up to me two days ago confessing his love for Nia. He believes that every time he tries to make a move she backs away from him and makes the conversation awkward.

Me: I'll open up but it's going take some time for me to fully let someone in.

Brie: Okay well you don't have that much time because he wants to talk to right when you get in.

Me: Who?

Brie: Your boyfriend, so let's leave so we can get you ready to impress your man.

End of Total Divas

Time Skip

Walking into the arena I was super nervous because I didn't know how Elias was going to react seeing me dressed like this and I was also scared on why exactly he wanted to speak with me before the show

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Walking into the arena I was super nervous because I didn't know how Elias was going to react seeing me dressed like this and I was also scared on why exactly he wanted to speak with me before the show.

"Do you guys have to film this part for the show?" I said turning around to the cameramen for the show.

"We don't have to if you don't." The lead cameraman said.

"It'd just this is very personal and I don't want the whole world to see me get rejected and look like a fool."

"Why would anyone want to reject a beautiful woman like yourself and where's this ass so I can handle him myself." Elias said walking up to me with a bouquet of pink, purple, and red roses.

"Those are beautiful roses

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"Those are beautiful roses." I said blushing while trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"You know you can look at me beautiful, I love looking at your eyes." He said smiling at me, "I didn't really know if you liked roses or not but as soon as I saw these I immediately thought of you.

"Thank you, But why did you buy these for me and not Lexi." I said nervously.

"Because I like you.....wait do you not like the flowers?"

"But why?"

"Because I like you, I like your personality and I love your beauty. Do you not feel the same way about me?" He said taking a step back.

"I...I don't know how to feel, I thought you had a thing for Lexi?"

"No...I don't and why do you keep bringing her up, she's mad annoying and I was only hanging out with her to get some more information about you because you are always shutting me out when I'm trying to connect with you like you are  doing now.  You know if you don't like me you can just say it to my face instead of leading me on." He said hanging me the flowers and walking away with his head down.

I do really like him I just hate that I'm always like this when it comes to him. It's just hard for me to express my feelings towards him. Placing the flowers on the table I noticed that there was a little note inside of it.

Dear my beautiful gem,

I cannot believe another year has passed you may not know this but today is the day I knew that you would be the woman of my life. It feels like we just met yesterday, but at the same time it feels like I have known you all my life. You make time meaningless. In fact, you make everything else feel meaningless because the only thing that matters is you. You have brought so much light into my life. I would be lost without your torch. Thank you for everything you have done for me — and thank you for helping me grow into the man I have become.


Well now I have to find him and apologized to him and admit how I really feel about him.

"Well if it isn't crybaby Nia, were you just talking to Elias, I just want to send you a warning stay away from my man. No one likes you, you are nothing but a cheeseburger away from obesity. The only reason that he's hanging out with you is because he feels sorry for you. I mean we all feel sorry for you. How does it feel to be the biggest woman in the company?" Charly said coming up to the table and ripping up the love letter that Elias wrote for me. "I said it once and I'm not saying it again stay away from have a bless day."

Now do you see why I never open up to people because of people like Charly it's hard to separate the real from the fake. She just confirmed what I always believed that people only hang with me because of my size.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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