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❝  dinner ❞

     HAYDEN DIDN'T EXPECT to receive a phone call from her mother later on that day, just as she was leaving her fifth period class, nor was she tempted to even answer. But as the ringing from her phone continued as she walked through the halls, she couldn't help but wonder what it was all about. So, as Joseph joined her outside of AP Physics, she pulled him to the side and answered the call. Only raising a questioning eyebrow, Joseph complies with her actions, and stands by her side.

"Hello?" Hayden breathes into the phone, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Mom, why are you calling me?" She didn't mean to sound rude, exactly, but wanted her mother to hear the urgency and lack of enthusiasm in her voice. Maybe then she would leave Hayden be; every time they had a conversation, it ended with Hayden crying and her mother in a stiff mood, and the girl certainly didn't want any of those things happening while she was in the hallway surrounded by gossiping teenagers.

"Your father ran into Billy Black about an hour ago while we were grocery shopping," Amberley explains, ignoring her daughter's tone. "And we suggested that he and Jacob come over for dinner tonight. He agreed, of course, so I'll need you home to help cook after school."

"What time will they be over?" The brunette sighs, leaning into the lockers to her right. "And does this count as a formal occasion?"

"Of course it does!" Amberley chuckles as if it were a joke. "Anyway, Billy said he'd be over at around six, so that's plenty of time for you to get dressed."

"I don't know why you'd invite him over when you clearly are overrun by work," Hayden says, running a hand down her face. "You don't have enough time for me, let alone for a dinner and be up early for work."

"That's why we're taking off of work for the next couple of days." Amberley pauses, giving Hayden a moment to register the words that just escaped her lips. "We were hoping you'd stay home from school and spend some time with us. And this time, it's a promise. We won't let you down again, Hayden."

There was a clear moment of hesitation for the Marris girl, in which she seriously debated hanging up the phone. Did they really deserve her forgiveness after what they had done so many times before? In her head, the answer was straight-forward; not really. But she wouldn't complain or turn down their attempts to change their ways. This was a step in the right direction, even if it wouldn't nearly make up for all the mistakes they had made.

But it was something.

"Okay." Hayden decides, straightening her posture. "I'll do it. Don't think this makes everything okay, because it certainly doesn't. But I appreciate your effort, so I'll comply. I'll be over after school is out."

"Thank you."

And then she ended the call, looking to Joseph with a slight frown. "Sorry about that, I had some parental issues to deal with. Now, what do you say we head to my next class?"

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