Ch. 40

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// A sunset after Lotusstar's death //

Brambleheart watched as Lotusstar fell into the river. He saw Wolfpaw, almost jumping in but he bounded up and help him back. 

          "An unworthy leader will try to overthrow you and destroy Riverclan!" Lotusstar's words were faint and Brambleheart barely heard them. "But you cannot stop him. Only he can stop it. You must let him choose." Brambleheart lurched back, watching Lotusstar being pulled away. 

Bramblestar jolted awake. He was in his den. He shook his pelt. He had never had a livid nightmare like this before. He shivered, he felt cold to the bone, as if he had drowned instead of Lotusstar. He thought about Wolfpaw. He had learnt to hate him but he still felt the love bursting to break through his thick wall of hate. 

// Six moons after Lotusstar's death //

Bramblestar watched as Lotusstar fell into the river, his eyes wide, he drowned, flailing. Wolfclaw leapt after him crying out. Bramblestar held Wolfclaw back. He didn't know why he was doing it but Lotusstar was mouthing the exact same words he had always been, "Unworthy" "overthrow" "destroy". Bramblestar knew the sentences by heart now even if he only heard a few words. 

Bramblestar awoke sweating. He growled under his breath. The dreams had been coming for moons. He felt alone suddenly. He longed for Berrytail, Hawkcloud and...Wolfclaw to be with him. He sighed and rested his head on his paws. He closed his eyes on troubled thoughts. 

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