Brooklyn never expected to find love in Boston...but that changes after she meets Chris, the future love of her life. Keep reading to find out what happens to the two of them on this romantic journey that life is about to take them on.
( I will try...
"So, you're sure you want me to meet your friends?" "Yes, I am 100,000 percent sure. They're gonna love you Brook don't worry." Chris said taking my suitcase out of the car. "If I wasn't sure, you wouldn't be here right now." "I know but this is your end of production party with your friends." "So? People invite guests all the time! And you are no average guest, your a special guest." He said kissing my cheek before we walked into the hotel lobby.
"But I mean I am lame. What do you even have a conversation about with these people?" "On the contrary my just think to much." He said as we got on the elevator. This was by far the nicest hotel that I have ever stayed in, but what did I expect? Captain America deserves nothing but the finest.
I took out the room key and opened the door.
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"How much do you think this room costs?" "Does it really matter?" "No, I'm just...Curious!" I said jumping backwards on to the huge bed. He giggled. "...So childish." He said hanging up his coat. "Back to what I was saying about your friends-" "Brooklyn, you are over thinking! Like I told you, if your afraid of people not liking you, you don't have to worry. And...if someone has a problem, let me know. I swear they are the sweetest people on the planet, you've got nothing to worry about if you were this anxious about coming then why did you agree to come?"
"Well, Christopher I am just trying to be a supportive girlfriend." I said sitting up in the middle of the bed with my legs crossed. "And all I could ask for." He said. He came over to the bed, grinning at me before giving me a sweet kiss. I get butterflies everytime. "...It'll be 5 months in 3 days." "I know, time really does fly when your having fun." I said quietly. He "booped" my nose making me laugh.
"I'm gonna freshen up some before the party, you just sit there and look pretty." He said opening up his suit case to get his things. "Is that the only thing I'm good for to you?" "Well...its one of the things your good for." He said making me roll my eyes. "Don't take long, I need to get ready too." I said as he went into the bathroom.
"Alright, how do I look?" I said coming out of the bathroom. I twirled around in my outfit.
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