Chapter 3

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Cat's P.O.V.

Today is a dreadful Saturday. I got up from my old rusted bed, and got ready. I put on my casual sweater with my plain jeans, and overused white converse which by now were a yellowish color. Today I had to pay my phone bill. Odd right, I have a phone but its a crappy phone that you pay like fifteen dollars a month. After my parents got into their incident I took the money that was left and ran away with it. That money was the reason why I eat, drink, and live today's days. I took my backpack, and threw my pill bottle in their before heading out.

I rapidly left the place I call "home" so no one can notice. The cell shop is about a twenty minute walk, but I'm already used to the long distances. As I walked to the shop, I heard a very loud grumble coming from my stomach, which indicated I was very hungry. Anyways, my last "proper" meal was yesterdays morning breakfast at Connors house. I decided on the way back home I would pass by McDonalds and buy a ninety-nine cent burger. Delicious yet affordable.

I finally reached the shop, entered, and paid my phone bill which in total added to fourteen dollars and sixty five cents. That only meant I became that much poorer. Gladly McDonalds was five minutes from my "home" so I wouldn't have to walk with a full stomach. I arrived at the fast food place, and ordered the scrumptious cheap burger. As I waited for my order to be completed I sat at a booth and observed the little happy children running around the playground. I sighed at the sight. I remember when I would go to the park with my parents at that age. I would be carefree, and think that I was invincible to anything - except when you fell and scrapped your knee. That's the stage I'm in now; the one that I scrape my knees every damn time.

"Caterina Rameriz!" The front register lady called signaling that my order was ready to be gobbled down by me. I got up, and thanked the lady for the satisfying service. I ate my brunch, left the fast food place, and headed to the horrible place I call home. When I was at my door step, I heard a rock being kicked behind me, as I turned around I could feel my spirit leave my body. My life was now officially ruined.

Kians P.O.V.

I woke up to the sun burning my eyes as I was on my bed. I grabbed my phone lazily and check the time.


It was eleven thirty, and yet none of the guys were awake. I was starving, so I quickly got ready and was headed out the door. I grabbed my keys and turned on my car. I rode over to McDonalds. They have some freaking delicious food.

As I was eating my egg sandwich I heard the front register pronounce a very familiar name.

Catarina Rameriz, that's Cat! Oooh let's make the move.

She sat back down at her booth and ate her small burger. She then got up, threw away the debris, and went off her away. I guess she's going home. Connor has been dating her for about a year and half and still doesn't where she lives. Actually no-one does, although she says she lives in Shelby.

I got up, and followed her to her designated location. When she arrived at the place I couldn't believe my eyes. I stopped and accidentally kicked a rock, which made her turn around and see me; it looked like she seen a ghost.

"Hey babe" I say approaching her with  smirk. She looked beyond scared.

"Please don't tell anyone, I beg of you" was all she could say with tears in her eyes ready to fall down her gorgeous face. I was about two inches away from her. I placed my hands on the cheeks of her face, and looked into her eyes.

"Only if you do me one favor" This could be her weakness so I can win her over.

"What is it Kian?" she frowned at the verge of crying.

"Friends with benefits; without the sex of-course"

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