The Fortune Cookie Incident

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So this is a very bad string of events and I know I can't blame everything on a cookie... it was awfully coincidental. Just hear me out alright? Alright. Here I go I guess. I had money so on Saturday my sister and I walked to the grocery store, which is twenty minutes away, and I decided to buy a pack of fortune cookies. Why not right? They were three dollars and I felt like buying random junk food.

We walked home and after dinner, I opened exactly two of the cookies. One saying some inspirational shit which I offhandedly dismissed and the other... I remember it roughly being, "You have a bad future ahead of you". So I was like, wow okay fortune cookie. Goodnight to you young sir. Then I did my homework to prepare for the next day. And the consequence of events dubbed "The Fortune Cookie Incident" began. And before I start I absolutely don't blame my fortune cookie, I still eat them and stuff but I think it's a pretty alright title for this story at the moment. 

I walked to school listening to my music having an alright time and humming to whatever song played. I got to school with my friend already sitting at the table. Her face was tear-stained and fresh ones threatened to come out around her eyes. I, of course, was concerned and asked her what the hell happened.

"My friend back in (it was either Canada or Japan I don't remember...) committed suicide last night."

Oh shit right? My mind trailed back to the fortune cookie. That was the end of what happened that day. Not four days later, there was a huge fight between the teacher and two students -including that specific friend - during 3rd period. She was taken to the nurse's office and I gave moral support until I had to go back to class. Next day, she looked very upset but told me she was fine. She wrote "Goodbye" on a piece of paper but I didn't say anything. 

Despite being scared, I was too absent-minded to ask her about it. She cried and conferred with another friend. End of the school day, I went to art club and walked out to get picked up. A popular kid walked up to me and asked me something I could never forget.

"What happened to your friend today?"

"She had a panic attac-"

"No not yesterday. Today. She was carried out by a bunch of teachers just before 1st period."

"I... I don't know."

I walked home with it on my mind. I didn't know whether or not she was okay and I could've intervened. But I didn't. At home, I locked myself in the bathroom and had a panic attack of my own. She must've tried or succeeded in committing suicide. I texted my (now ex) girlfriend to see if she knew anything about it.

"She tried committing suicide during science. She's probably at a hospital now."

Oh. So I tried texting my friend, no response. Which wasn't surprising but I wanted some answers. She was gone for two weeks. She came back, making jokes about her two weeks at a mental hospital. I knew she wasn't feeling fine. 

But moving on from that story arch. Then came the next dreading thing in this fortune cookie incident. I'm dubbing this one "hi-" which you'll understand soon enough... It was during my second to last class period during a boring lecture and the stress got to me. I grabbed my pencil and wrote... But it wasn't on paper, but my left arm.

I first made a line, and then extended it. It was extremely painful and this was the first time I cut... But it didn't stop there. The next day in the same class I finished the word making "hi-". It hurt like absolute hell and to think I was going to write a longer word... God... 

Then I confessed to a friend who didn't seem to realize that it wasn't due for attention. She told to other friends and pinned me down. Luckily, or not who's to say really, I happened to lie my way out of it. And that basically describes the Fortune Cookie Incident... Have a decent day my friends.

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