Chapter 33

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Jades POV

Me and Niall went to the pet shop today to find a puppy

Niall was fawning over all of them and I laughed at his cuteness

"Ooh! We should get this one! No wait! This one!"

I was just waiting for Niall to make up his mind

"This one is the one"Niall said picking up a golden retriever puppy

"He kinda looks like you"I said petting him

"I look like a dog?"

"No, you look adorable"

He blushed

"So, you sure you want that one?"


Me and Niall bought the dog, a leash, bowl, and food

Once we stepped into the car, Niall spoke up

"What should we name him?"

"Well since its a boy, I was thinking, Tater or Max?"

"I was thinking, Danny or Aaron"

"I like Tater or Aaron"

"Me too"Niall said

"Rock, paper, scissors?"

"You're on!"

Niall won

I pouted

"You always win"

"Sorry babe, Aaron wins!"

"We can call him Aaron Tater"Niall added

I nodded smiling

I grabbed Aaron from Nialls lap and put him on mine

Niall started to drive home and we walked up stairs

"Jade?"My mam called out


"Is that a puppy?"

"Yeah me and Niall just bought one"

"That's so cute! So thats like your child?"

Me and Niall nodded smiling

We walked into my room and the girls were playing a video game

"Revive me!"Perrie yelled

They were playing some violent video game

"Out!"I yelled

I startled them a bit and they got up

"Ooh! A puppy!"Daisy said

I pointed towards the door and they walked out

"Idiots"I murmured

Niall sat on my bed and Aaron fell asleep immediately

"So, Aaron Tater Horlwall"Niall said smirking

"What's Horlwall?"

"Since we are called Jiall, I figured our last name shipped together would be that"

I smiled and went over to kiss him


Niall and Jade bought a puppy ☺❤

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