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I have to look over the last paper to make sure my eyes aren't making up what I see.

It's a letter of approval for me to join as "band photographer" on the trip, with the occasional dancing opportunity. 

"W....w...way.....wayne......oh my gosh...." That's all that can come out of my mouth before I just hug him and begin to bawl into his shoulder.

"It's okay Lexi, I got you, like I told you that first night at the club, I will always be there for you." He says as he hugs me closer to him.

After a few minutes I'm able to sit back up, wipe my eyes and look at him. "I....I can't thank you enough for this."

"It's no problem, really."

"No, I mean it, with dance and all, I've had no time to look at colleges, I've been really nervous for the end of the year to come, because my routine was all I knew."

"Wow.... Lexi, I never realized....."

We only gaze at each other for just a second before he gives another huge hug and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you so much Wayne." I say as I begin to stand up. "Hey, its starting to get late we should probably be heading home."

"Well.... Wait just a sec Lexi...."

"What's up Wayne?"

"I was wondering, you know if its okay with you, to celebrate all this if you wanted to come out to dinner with me and the guys and then go back to the club for a little while.


"Yeah Lexi?

"I would absolutely love to." I say as I give him a quick kiss.

We hold each other's hands as we head out into the parking lot. It's a perfect evening with my perfect best friend.

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