I'm Not Perfect - Eric Carr x Reader

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This story was requested by ferrisprydesdayoff . Thank you for requesting a one-shot.
(V/N) stands for "villain name"


The battle was only five minutes long so far. But it looked to be ages older, as half the city had already been destroyed in the chaos. Both of you having the ability to fly, you stared at the man in the air a few feet away from you, anger and determination written on your face, as was his, despite it being covered in black-and-white paint. The Fox, so this pathetic town dubbed him. The first time you'd taken your abilities down a darker path, with the intent of wiping the city off the map, he showed up out of the blue and picked a fight in the middle of your destruction. Since then, you were enemies to the core. You always saw newspapers about the two of you; "The Fox, hero of New York, versus [V/N], embodiment of fear itself." The title was neat, but the rest of it was pure garbage, and painfully predictable of these people.
The Fox suddenly shifted and disappeared from view, only to reappear behind you and knock you out of the sky, sending you crashing into the concrete below before you could think to get ahold of yourself. Dammit. That cheap trick of his. You could never figure out how to get around his invisibility; It didn't matter how many lightning bolts you hurled into the air. He could see you, and you couldn't see him.
As you heaved yourself out of the indent in the cement, The Fox started towards you, but you got up and took off. Out of sight, watching from the shadows in disgust as the New Yorkers celebrated him. Someday, you thought to yourself. I'm gonna kill that bastard, and these people will thank me for it when their on their knees in front of me.


The upside about all of this was that nobody knew who you were outside of your second form. Destroying New York was like... A hobby at this point. You weren't like the villains in movies who were known for one thing and one thing only. You knew to play it safe and had something more innocent to fall back to in between attacks. When you weren't [V/N], you were friendly neighbourhood [Y/N], who had a job at a coffee shop, a small apartment filled to the brim with dog-related items, and an adorable boyfriend you loved to death - Given he might be the last thing you truly love in this world, bad guys need it too, right?

You sat on the couch a few hours after the ordeal, trying to dress a nasty wound from the cement earlier, Netflix playing shows on the TV and a large plushie seated next to you. Your boyfriend was supposed to be here about half an hour ago, for a night together filled with movies and such. As if on cue, the knock on the door made you rush over and open the door to see if it was him.
And there he was, with that heart-melting smile of his, eyes brighter than the sun, and a desperate attempt to hide something from you behind his back. Eric Carr really enjoyed the simple things in life; He was envious of your job, the coffee shop being where you first met. He liked instruments and carnivals and getting stuck in a good book... And dogs. Something he thought he had in common with you. (In reality, they reminded you too much of The Fox. Your house was only decorated in that theme to blend in with the crowd a little better.)

"Hi, [Y/N]!" He said cheerfully. "Can I come in?"
You giggled. "Of course, silly." You replied, stepping aside as Eric closed the door behind him and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you, y'know. Where were you?"
"Long day in the office. I'm sorry." He responded. The look in his eyes made you suspicious of the reality behind that statement. But before you could bring it up, he continued, "But I brought something for you."
Eric took his hand out from behind his back, revealing a small, glass fox figurine. "It's not much, but does this complete your collection?" He asked.
"Aaaawww!" You pretended to squeal in delight at the object in his hands, as you leaned forward to kiss him instead of taking it right away. You had to choke back your real feelings towards the gift... A fox? Really? It was sickening, but Eric didn't know. And if you didn't accept it, it would hurt his feelings. Besides, it was a sweet gesture.
"You shouldn't have!" You said happily. "I didn't get you anything!"
"Aw, I'm just happy you're happy, [Y/N]." He responded.

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